Honey Bear

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Chapter 45: Honey Bear

*next day*

"Guys, guess what?"


"I want a baby dragon." I whisper, rolling on my side to Leah.

"Bitch, the fuck?" She scoffs, making me turn back around to Jasmin.

"Jami, I don't really want a baby dragon. I actually made a plan."

"A plan for what, Rain?" She mumbles, covering her mouth to yawn.

"For Friday. Let's visit my parents?"

I miss them more lately.

My friends sit up quickly and stare me down, Jasmin reaching over to check my temperature.

"You good? Need some medicine?"

"I'll go call the hospital. My best friend is dying!" Leah stands up and runs to her phone, fumbling to turn it all.

"If you guys don't stop." I stress, shuffling around to get of the bed. "I've just missed them lately, I suppose. But we don't have to-"

"Nope! We're going on Friday. That's," Jasmin pauses to count on her fingers. "Today was Tuesday, right? Three days from now."

"So that means I have time to change my mind. Great." I giggle, playing with my pinky finger.

I'm regretting suggesting this idea now.

"Please don't. I've actually missed talking to them. Especially hearing them sing."

Leah and I nod in agreement with what Jasmin says, sitting quietly.

I move away from the two of them towards my closet, tip-toeing to reach for my music box.

But it's not there.

Why am I so stupid?

"Do you remember that song they'd always sing for us before bed? The one they made up?" I turn back to my friends, smiling widely to suppress my other emotion.

"Of course I do!" Lele perks up and claps her hands, humming the song. "They'd literally FaceTime our parents just to make sure the three of us always heard it."

"But I don't fully remember how it went. I remember they called it Honey Bear, though." Jasmin pouts.

"I do. They had the audio saved into my music box." Raising my hand, I close the closet door slowly.

"Sing it for us."

Leah pulls me back on the bed and I sit in the middle, inhaling before I start to sing for them.

"Candy bears and gum drops. Cherry syrup, lollipops. Can you hear the rhythm of-"

"The bee?" Leah mutters, singing that part with me.

"Honey drips down to your lips, right onto your fingertips. Be careful of the bear, oh yes indeed." I sing gently, making sure to change the key for the next part. "And no matter where you go..."

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