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Chapter 34: Stupidity

She's taken over my mind.

Why did I let that happen?

"I swore I wouldn't catch feelings."

Why couldn't I just say 'girlfriend'? That's what I wanted to say.

Closing my eyes, I listen to the noises outside of the room, trying to find something that will ease my mind.

I hear Rain run past the room I'm in, scratching on Roni-Ann's door.

"Hey, cutie. Come in." Roni giggles and I groan, covering my ears with a pillow.

What is she doing to me?

I feel closer to her after she told me about her parents, it's like she can understand what I go through sometimes.

Not having the real ones with you.

But I can't feel what she does, I actually have parents who care about me, people who love me. She lost hers.

I don't get why she's called a murderer though, she seemed to hold back on that part.

I don't know what she did to her parents, but I know what she's doing to me.

She's killing me.

I hear the television in the other room turn on, a Disney Channel commercial being the first thing to play.

"I should really go to bed."

Laying down on my side, I stare out the window, trying to clear my mind.

"Adrien Agreste."

Oh god.

Roni-Ann knocks on the door before opening it. She hums to herself while walking in completely.

The bed dips slightly as Roni-Ann places a hand on my shoulder, causing me to shiver at the contact.

"Are you sleeping?"

I roll back over into my back, looking up at her. "What do you want?"

And... those hickeys are starting to form. Just great.

"Oh nothing. I was just wondering something."

"Which is?"

"Do you have ice cream here?" She questions, chuckling in embarrassment. "I'm craving it now."

"What kind?"

Sitting up, I avoid her eyes and get up, signaling for her to follow me.

"Cookie dough, maybe? Or vanilla."

"I have both."

We walk downstairs and I lead her to the basement, stopping at the lounge room.

Moving behind the bar, I bend and open the mini-fridge, taking out the two cartons.


I point to the rack and she squeals in excitement, skipping towards them.

She gets excited for... ice cream?

Roni comes back with the bowls and sets them on counter, proceeding to open the ice cream containers.

"Which one do you want?" Roni giggles, mixing the two flavors together in her bowl.

"I'll get it myself." I grumble, taking it from her.

She pouts at my sudden attitude but nods, sitting on the chair.

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