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Chapter 38: Nope

"Ahaha. He's not getting this back."

"That looks comfortable, let me touch it."

I pull away from Leah and scowl, rolling the sleeves of my hoodie up.

We got back home an hour ago and now we're looking for something to make for dinner.

Well Jasmin and I were looking, Leah was banned from using the stove.

Jasmin walks out of the pantry with a container in her hand, exposing a bunch of Chinese food condiments. "Why are there so many?"

"Because Le-ah always makes us end up having to order food." I stress, looking back at Leah.

"It's not my fault." She shrugs, picking my phone up. "Adrian texted you."

"Okay, and?"

"He said you better not burn the place."

I start laughing and walk to her, taking my phone back. Opening my contacts, I scroll to find Adrian's name, FaceTiming him.

"Yes, Roni-Ann?"

"I'm burning your hair first." I giggle while spinning around, turning the stove on. Adrian breaths heavily while running a hand through his hair, exposing sweat drops. "What are you doing?"

I took a picture of his hair earlier to envision the styles, this is just enabling it.

"I went to walk Rain but she decided to run, now I'm tired."

"You're out of shape." I tell him jokingly, pressing my lips together. Adrian stops moving and glares at me, smirking soon after. "What, Adrian?"

He moves the phone down to his chest and I choke, looking at the exposed area. "This looks out of shape to you?"

"No sir. No sir. No sir." I repeat, holding my head up. "Please put the camera back on your face."


"Yo, Adrian! Can we come to your house? We are hungry and bored." Leah question, resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Sure, I guess. I'm going to go shower."

He hangs up on us and I put my phone down, looking at my friends. "Who's driving?"



Jasmin and Leah glare at each other and I groan, taking a step back.

"Why don't we all drive? And meet up there?"

"Good plan. Race you!" Jasmin yells and runs around the island, picking up her keys before running out the room.

Leah runs after her and I sigh, leaving the kitchen to go upstairs.

"I need my bag. And some hair clips."

I'm doing Adrian's hair whether he likes it or not.

Walking through the entrance, I stop at my parents photo for the first time in a while.

"Hi. Bye now."

I just can't stay for long.

"Brandon! I'm going out again!"

"Okay. Be safe, Rain!"

"Where's Sena!?!" I yell back to him, waiting for a response.

"I don't know, I don't care! I'm taking a nap now!"

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