I Thought

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Chapter 40: I Thought

*two days later*



"Princess." Mr. Hayes calls me again and I look up, putting the files down.

"Yes, Mr. Hayes?"

"Can you get me a coffee please?"

"From the lounge?" I hum, fixing my keycard around my neck.

"The cafe, maybe? The one I use downstairs is finished." He mumbles, handing me his credit card. "No pin, just sign my initials."

I nod and take it from him, preparing to pull away but he grabs my wrist.

"We have to talk when you get back."

"About?" I drawl, avoiding his eye contact.

"What happened the other day. Please talk to me."

"We'll see."

I smile sweetly and remove his hand off me, spinning around on my heel to leave.


"I heard you fainted the other day? Did you get your Pixy Stixs?"

Pixy Stixs have a meaning behind them, I guess. I get one every time I faint.

My parents used to pack one in my lunch box everyday and I could only eat it on the way home because they always make me hyper. They'd say something like 'today we are yellow. Happy days.'

I found it silly. Until I got overworked at school some day after their death and the Pixy Stix was the only thing that got me to talk and socialize.

"Yes. I did."

"And how many did you eat?" Jake chuckles, taking my hand in his.

I had one earlier for the fun of it, and I'm still shaking from excitement.

"Today? About two." I shrug, watching as he kissed my hand. "The other day? Three."

Jake hums as his brows furrow, but doesn't bother to question me.

"You didn't order your regular today. Why?"

"I'm trying to taste something new."

Putting the straw to my lips, I drink some of the mocha, humming as it settles in my tongue.

"Something new? Like dating Adrian?" Jake questions and I scowl at him, my eyes shifting.

"Nah. Something new like a vape." I joke, hoping he gets the message.

Adrian is my boyfriend because we like each other, not because we're experimenting.

"You're not vaping. And you can't not talk about your feelings, Roni-Ann."

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