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Chapter 14: Music

"What are you doing here?"

"Just let me in."

Leah steps to the side and I walk in, taking my shoes off at the front door.

"Did you eat breakfast yet? My mom made scones." She laughs, leading me into the house.

"I forget your mom owns a bakery sometimes. What kind?"

Covering my mouth to yawn, I follow Leah into the kitchen, sitting down at the dinner table.

Leah looks into the containers before gazing back at me, smiling widely.

"The good ones. Chocolate chip, maple, and buttermilk."

I grin back at my friend and allow her to wrap a few up for me, placing them on the table.

"Is something wrong?"

"Did you have to ask?" I mumble with a mouthful of the pastry, tilting my head.

"Baby. You're my best friend. I can tell when something is wrong."

"Do you think I'm not wanted?" I mutter, holding my head down.

Leah gasps and squats down in front of me, squishing my face in her hand.

"Look at me." She pleads and I look to the other side, avoiding her stare. "Roni, look at me."


"Of course you are wanted, stop asking. You're the sweetest person I've ever met."

"You have people who love you unconditionally. Me, your side bitch, Brandon, Jake." Leah lists and I laugh, not bothering to wipe my eyes.

When did I start crying?


"I'm guessing you're going into work late though?" She suggests and I nod, biting into the scone. "Great, let's go change your outfit. I know the perfect one to raise your spirits."

"Thank you." I giggle, running upstairs behind her.

"No problem. And just so you know: if someone fucks with you, I'll fuck them up. Just let me know."

"So what if I fuck with myself?" I question, making air-quotes around the word.

"I'll beat you up too. Try me."


"You have got to be kidding me?"

"Is something wrong Gina?" I question, shaking the last bit of my Pixy Stix into my mouth.

"Why do you think you can dress like that?" She scoffs, pointing at my body.

I push the wrapper into my bag before running my hand over my hip, making sure that she sees the curve.

"Unlike you, I'm not a rectangle. If it bothers you then look away."

She starts to say something but Mr. Hayes cuts her off, yelling out my name.

"Yes, sir?"

"Where were you? It's fucking 2:00 and you're just getting here." He complains, running a hand through his hair. "I called your brother and he said you left from early this morning."

I would have been here sooner but I fainted.

"I was at a friend's house." I shrug, sitting in the seat across from him. "Why?"

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