Around Me

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Chapter 12: Around Me

*three days later*

Basically, I was useless today.

Mr. Hayes didn't call me once today, as if he was avoiding me.

"I don't get paid to be avoided." I grumble, standing up from my seat.

I exit the room, walking down the hall and to Mr. Hayes' own.

"Excuse me, sir? If I'm not of use, may I leave?" I ask him, looking around the room.

A woman was standing over him and wiping his face, speaking gently.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Hayes."

His mother looks up at smiles, placing the napkin down on the table.

"Ro-Ro? Hello hunny. How are you?"

"I'm good. I just came to see Mr. Hayes."

"Go away." Mr. Hayes grumbles and I fidget under his gaze, his eyes darkening.

"I was wondering if I could leave early?"

"Leave me alone. I don't care."

"Oh? Okay then. Sorry for bothering you." I apologize before spinning around, leaving them again.

I go into my office and pick up my bag, taking my car keys out.

I'm free.


"Business is slow today?"

"Eh, I like it. How are you?"

Jake sits in front of me and puts my frappe down, pushing a straw in for me.


"Same." He laughs, drinking his Iced Tea. "Have you gone to see your parents in a while?"

"You know I can't go alone. It's scary."

"I'll come with you the next time, and the girls too. Pinky promise." Jake holds out his small finger and I wrap mine around it, shaking them.

"You're a great friend."

But I'm not going.

"I just realized something," He mutters, changing the subject. "Why aren't you in school?"

"You know my parents signed me up for early academics, Jake. I graduated high school at the beginning of the year." I laugh, causing him to smile at me.

Jake takes my free hand in his before kissing the back of it and I roll my eyes, pulling it away from him.

"Talk to me, Roni-Ann." He hints and I roll my eyes.

"Nothing's wrong."

Jake always kisses the back of my hand as a way to see if I was okay. I don't know how he does it, but his predictions are always right.

"Is it about your boss? Tell me. And feel free to curse."

Sighing, I take another sip of my frappe, the whipped cream settling in my tongue.

"He's an ass-"

Before I'm able to finish, the cafe door slams open and I look up, making eye contact with the person.

Kill me now.

"Jake? Can I have your pen, I'm stabbing myself."

He rolls his eyes and stands up, walking towards Mr. Hayes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came for my intern. And you don't get paid to talk to her." Adrian tells Jake and he nods, walking behind the counter.

"Yes, boss."

Damn, I can't go anywhere that he doesn't own.

"Are you following me?" I question, standing up.

Mr. Hayes nods before signaling to the security guards around him, waiting for them to open the door.

He steps closer before bending, wrapping his hands around my waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Put me down! Put me down!"

"If you fight, it'll be harder. Princess." His voice goes dangerously low and I stop moving, feeling tingles run throw my body.

Well damn. Maybe I do like the nickname.

"Okay, sir. Where are we going?"

Mr. Hayes hums in response, fixing his hold on my thighs and I keep my sounds in, dangling my hands below me.

"Back to work. It's 6:26 and I need you now."

He turns down the block and I look around, not seeing my car anywhere.

"I drove here. My car is-"

"I had it brought back to the building already. If that's alright?"

"Yes. It's fine."

Mr. Hayes finally stops moving and opens a car door, leaning over to put me inside. He doesn't pull away but instead stares me in my eyes, his pupils dilating.

"I'm sorry, by the way."


"Just accept that. I don't care if you forgive or not though. But my mom said I can be 'rude' sometimes. So whatever."

Mr. Hayes pulls away before closing the door, running around to the driver's side.

"Yeah whatever. You couldn't be nice either way, so why try?"

"You think I can't be nice?"

"Not for long at least. It's not in your programming." Closing my eyes, I open one slightly to look at him, watching as he looks back at me.


He takes a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and holds it up, smirking at me.

"I'm broke, why not?"

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