Macarons & Meeting

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Chapter 23: Macarons & Meeting

Humming, I pat my waist repeatedly, touching the hand that was around my waist.

Wait, what?

How do we keep ending up like this?

Opening my eyes, I look at the situation once again. I had my leg wrapped over his torso and his arm was wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to him.

Adrian was shirtless and I try my hardest not to choke, my eyes scanning over his exposed chest. My vision lands on a deep scar on his collarbone, it looks like it's been there a long time.

I move my leg off of him and roll out of his bed to stretch, allowing my shirt to rise up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving you like I leave my one-night stands." I joke, turning my front to him.

"Your what? You're not a virgin?" Adrian voice was husky as he speaks, sending chills down my spine with every word.

"Not every girl my age is. My friends aren't." I shrug, a smirk playing on my face. "But me? I am one. I'm just playing with you."

Nobody wants me anyways.

"Oh. Okay."

"I've kissed before. But other than that I'm pure." I tell him, bending over to stretch some more.

Adrian starts groaning and I hear the bed sheets crinkle, signaling that he was moving. His finger pokes the expose skin on my lower back and I flinch, nearly tripping over the long pants.

"You're going to make me act up."

"Go ahead." I giggle, standing straight again.

"You're brave." He smiles in content and props himself up on his elbows, the bedsheet falling down the cover his lower half.

My eyes betray me once again and I look down at his chest, my eyes scanning over every part.

He's going to act up? I might to.

"I'm not brave actually, I just can't show weakness. You have no idea how nervous I am right now."

How did that song go?

Cuz all of my kindness, is taken for weakness. -Rihanna.

I hold my hands up for him to see, the shake evident.

"You can be vulnerable to me. I get it." He tells me and I look up at him, noticing his expression go blank.

"You don't show weaknesses, sir."

"I don't have any."


"Where are we going for today's meeting, Mr. Hayes?"

"A restaurant."

"I'm under dressed." I exclaim, holding my bag in front of me. "Can we go back to the hotel quickly?"

Why did I let them pick everything?

"You look fine." Mr. Hayes tells me, adjusting his suit. "Trust me."


"We have time to stop in a store if you'd like? Pick one."

I look around the sidewalk, my eyes landing on a cute sign. "That one."


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