In Her Place

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Chapter 17: In Her Place

Walking out of Mr. Hayes' room, I feel a pair of eyes watching me and turn around, making eye contact with Gina.

"Are you attracted to me? You're always watching me." I mutter, waiting for her response.

Gina scoffs and walks closer to me, her skirt riding up and I roll my eyes.

"Do you think because you're... a different race you can wear those things?"

What? Be serious right now.

"Look, Gina. I'm not saying all women of color have nice curves and all white girls are flat, but in our case... that's how it is." I shrug, fixing my shirt. "Mr. Hayes doesn't have an issue so why do you?"

She groans and holds her hands out closer to me, swiftly pulling on my shirt and tearing it all the way down the center before I could do anything.

"Because you're taking him from me! See if he likes that." She laughs and walks around me, going across the hall into her own office.

I don't have the time.

Clutching the two sides together, I walk into my office and towards the desk, searching around for clothes pins.


I run back out again and down a door, stopping in front of Mr. Hayes' room.

"Come in." He looks up from his computer, raising an eyebrow at me. "Oh, hey Roni-Ann. What happened?"

"Do you have pins? My shirt got ripped." I blush under his stare, shifting my weight on either leg.

"Yeah, here." Mr. Hayes rummages through his drawer, pulling out a handful of them.

"Thanks." Laughing nervously, I walk closer to him and take them, trying to pin one on quickly. "Can you help me?"

He doesn't even answer my question, standing up and patting the desk. "Climb up, princess."

I sit on the edge of the desk and open my hand, giving him access to the pins.

Mr. Hayes bends down to clip the bottom and I hunch my body in embarrassment.

"Are you an innie or an outtie?" Mr. Hayes chuckles, his hand brushing against my waist.

"In. But that's not important."

"Are you ticklish?"


"Good to know." He hums, moving up and pinning another part together.

"I wouldn't think of you as the person to get your clothes ripped." He mumbles again, looking up at me before looking down.

"Why not? People don't exactly like me." You said it yourself.

"I was annoyed before. But you're a charming person, I guess."

I scoff at what he says and adjust myself on the table as he pins the middle section together, his tongue sticking out a bit to show his focus.

Not really an excuse.

"Just because I'm charming doesn't mean anything. People know my sister before they know me- there's your answer." Shutting him up, I purse my lips together.

His hair was in my face and I lean forward due to curiosity, sniffing it.

"What are you doing?"

"Your hair smells like green tea-" I giggle, moving my head back.

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