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Chapter 15: Remedies

"How to heal a broken heart."

"Do you want a hug, baby?!?!"

Jasmin pushes past Leah and engulfs me in a hug, running her hand through my hair.

Comfort, wow.

"I brought ice cream, your favorite movies and the blanket you left at my house." Leah lists, holding a bag out in front of her. "Now get up."

Jasmin pulls me off of the floor and I sulk, looking across the room at my shelf.

It's completely empty now.

"I still can't believe Sena burned your stuff." Jami shrieks as we walk downstairs, the two of them holding me up so that I don't fall.

"Believe it."

"Will you tell us who broke your music box?" Leah questions, cracking her knuckles. "I just want to chat."

"Unimportant." I grumble, staring at our feet.

"At least tell us: boy or girl?"


"Well, that leaves your whole workplace. But I won't pry too much." She shrugs. "Let's go sit in the kitchen."

They drag me across the hall and into the kitchen, pulling out a stool for me to sit on.

"Would you like vanilla or cookie dough?" Jasmin holds the two cartons up, making punching actions to display them separately.

"Mix them together." I mutter, resting my head on the counter.

"I can't cook to save my life but I'll try for you, baby." Leah tells me while tying an apron around her waist, taking some things from the fridge.

Jasmin laughs at her and places a bowl in front of me, handing me a spoon.

I don't even try to grip onto it, allowing it to slip out of my hand.

"Would you like for me to feed you, Roni?"


I was completely out of my element, I never hurt this much when Sena tells me things.

Or when she burned their pictures that I had.

I was attached to that music box, but it didn't even hurt this much when she threw it.

Maybe it's because I knew it was coming. That I could prevent it.

"How to heal a broken heart: feed it." Leah speaks up, reading a box that she found in the cupboard. "How about macaroni and cheese? I found some of the good noodles."

"Are there instructs on it?" I hum, opening my mouth again for Jasmin.

"Yeah. They're pretty easy."

"Go ahead then. I'll eat it even if Jami won't." I giggle, looking at her from the corner of my eye. Maybe.

Jasmin continues to feed me until the bowl is empty, standing up to go to the fridge. "Would you like more?"

"No thanks. I'm good."

"Uh, guys? Maybe we should just order some food."

I stand up to look at what Leah was referring to and she lifts the lid, revealing the burned noodles.

"How? Just how?"

"It just said to add noodles to a full pot, I didn't think they meant with water!"

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