Not Date

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Chapter 30: Not Date

"He's not going to want you when he finds out."

"Finds out what?"

"You're little secret, Murder-Ann." Gina scoffs, pushing past me out of the lounge.

She knows too. Everybody knows my parents are dead and it's my fault.

Sena talks too damn much.

I roll my eyes and walk in, fixing Mr. Hayes' third coffee for the day.

Exiting the room with the coffee in my hand, I walk across the lobby and onto the elevator, taking it up the the top floor.

I walk closer to Mr. Hayes' open office door, pausing when I'm a short distance away from it. I stand sideways and shuffle towards the front of the door, looking at Adrian.

"Rawr." I giggle, making a claw gesture with my free hand.

Mr. Hayes looks up to me and rolls his eyes, a smile playing against his lips. "Get in."

"You're not going to complain about my stupidness? You're always like 'Roni-Ann, I don't have time for you. Get your useless ass to work.' And I still come back with the same thing." I mock him with a deep voice.

He shakes his head no as I walk towards him, setting the coffee down before sitting. "No... I want to use my question."

Shit. I forgot about that.

"Which is?"

"Can I take you out tonight? Like a date maybe?" Mr. Hayes leans forward in his chair and I blush, nodding quickly. "Use your words, princess."

"Yes please. I'd love too."

"Great, you can leave work at five today. Meet me at the park a few blocks away from here by 7:00. I don't remember the name."

"Of course!" I giggle even more, dancing around in my chair.

"Get to work now." Mr. Hayes points to the other side of the room and I stand up, grinning like an idiot.

My first real date.


"A date? You have to wear something nice!"

"You should bake him something. You didn't notice but he fell in love with those cupcakes." Jasmin stresses, walking away to my closet.

"Can you do my makeup, Lele?" I question as my other friend walks away, pushing Jasmin over.

"Of course!"

Jasmin and Leah continue to go through the clothes, closing the closet door to keep me from seeing.

"We found it!" They yell in unison and open the door again, holding up a white dress and my jeans jacket. "Go change."

Throwing the outfit at me, I catch it and walk into my bathroom, changing out of my work clothes.

"Good?" I step out the bathroom and spin around, allowing them to see. "Don't you think it's too sh-"

"No! You look amazing! Put on your sneakers." Leah giggles, handing the shoes to me.

"A queen!"

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