Late Night

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Chapter 5: Late Night

"Baby! I'm here."

"Leah! Oh, how I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too!"

"Y'all saw each other yesterday." Jasmin pushes past us and makes her way down the hall. "Roni-Ann."

"Jasmin." I scoff back at her, making her stare at me. After staring for a good minute, she rolls her eyes and walks away. "Rude."

"I'll beat your ass."

"I dare you." I stomp closer to her, bumping into her repeatedly.

"Get out of my fucking face."

Jasmin makes her way upstairs and I look back at Leah, holding my hand out for her.

"Would you like to bake with me?" I smile and she beams back at me, nodding quickly.

"Of course, best friend. We can make an extra cake to throw at Jami."

"I like the way you think."


"Let's play truth or dare!" I giggle, sliding into the living room. My socks move me too far and I fall on my butt, looking up at my brother. "Hey."

"I'm not even going to ask." Brandon shakes his head as he looks between my friends and I, wearing our matching pajamas. "You girls and these damn outfits."

"You're just mad your friends aren't as cool as us." Jasmin mumbles as I get up, each of us setting our snacks down.

"Speaking of my friends, they'll be outside soon. Please stay in one place." Brandon smiles and I kiss his cheek, putting my thumbs up.

"You got it, dude. Where's Sena?"

"Out with Gina. I think they went to a club."

"So why don't you and your friends go?"

"Oh, we are. Just later on." My brother nods, walking away from us.

My friends look at each other, wiggling their eyebrows in sync.

"What kind of club?"

"Masquerade themed. It's a new one that opened recently."

"Cool cool." Leah hums, hitting Jas' arm.

"And what's the name of this place?" Jasmin asks him, pulling her phone out of her shirt.

"Masquera." Brandon recites, leaving the living room. "And you girls better not do anything to mess up the house."

He walks out completely and goes to the stairs, leaving us alone in the room.

"Oh? Don't worry, we won't be home."

"We won't?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Nope. We're going too."

"I just searched the place up. They take people from age sixteen and up." Leah exclaims, shifting her weight on each foot.

"Do we have to? I just wanted a sleepover?" I pout.

"Well now, we're gonna sleep in our imaginations."


"Wear this!"

"No, this one!"

"Can I wear the blue one?" I giggle, pushing their clothes out of my face.

"Okay, okay! Go change, and hurry so that we can leave."

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