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Chapter 58: Signature

"Noo!! No, God, please. No!"

"Roni, if you don't get your behind in that room."

Adrian wraps his arm around my waist and picks me up, my legs dangling awkwardly. I was at his side, being carried like a package.

I hold my face in my palms while pouting, not bothering to fight as he walks down the hall.

"I don't want to go in there." I mumble, watching the floor move below me.

"It's not for long. Just breathe."

Adrian inhales audibly and walks into the room, setting me down on my feet once the door is locked by a security guard.

"Look at Roni-Ann. I'm surprised you lasted this long here without being charged for murder." My sister voices the second I look up at her, causing me to look back down again.

"Shut up, Sena." I murmur, holding up my middle finger a bit.

Adrian chuckles before pinching my arm, signaling for me to be quiet.

"Will you get the folder by the window for me please, Roni-Ann?" Mr. Hayes points to the other end of the room, sitting down as I walk over there.

I pick up the yellow folder from the ledge and open it, reading the documents inside.

'Partial Check-up on Agreement'.

Heading back over to the table, I place the packet down in front of my siblings before taking a step back, retreating to the opposite side where Adrian was.

"If you'll just read over everything, including the fine print, and sign on the dotted line down-" I start to explain the procedure while using my pen to touch each section, getting the writing utensil snatched out of my hand before I'm able to finish.

"Don't speak to me, Murder-Ann. I'm not dumb."

Sena's eyes skim over the page and Brandon reads along with her, the both of them nodding their heads in satisfaction before signing the document. I notice Sena write twice but don't look into it, just thinking she was going over her first signature.

Adrian kisses his teeth while leaning back in his chair, resting his thumb and index finger against the bridge of his nose. He grins up at me and I feel my face heat up, looking away from him.

Brandon turns to the next page and slides it toward Adrian, handing him the pen.

My boyfriend makes a 'come here' motion to me with his hand and I sit down in the seat next to him, waiting for his instructions.

"Sign my name right here, please." Mr. Hayes puts the pen in my hand as I quirk an eyebrow, my face contorting.

"Isn't that illegal?" I whisper. "I'm pretty sure that's illegal."

"I'm giving you permission, just sign the damn document." Adrian stresses the word 'permission', glaring at my siblings for a moment.

"You do know that there are two co-owners of a police force sitting right in front of us, right?" I whisper again, subtly pointing at my siblings. "I'm already getting jail threats, man."

"Roni-Ann." Adrian gives me a stern look and I shut up, looking down at the document in front of me.

Placing the pen against the paper after reading everything, I write down Adrian's full name in bubbly- yet connected- letters, extending the end of the 'n' in his first name so that it goes through the 'A' as well.

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