I'd Say Midnight

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Chapter 33: I'd Say Midnight

*next Saturday*

"Like I should."

"A queen! Take pictures, lots of them."

"I'm scared!" I whine, my hand hovering over the doorbell.

"Just do it! Hurry." Leah exclaims, tapping the screen of her phone.

I nod and hang up on her, continuing to procrastinate.

On second thought....

Turning around to go back to my car, I press a button on my keys.

"You're leaving?" I hear Adrian chuckle and I turn back around, smiling shyly at him.

"No... I was just going to, uh, admire your pathway." I giggle nervously, bending down to examine the pattern. "So nice."

"Mhmm, get in."

I stand up and walk towards him, accepting the hand he was holding out.

"Dude, you live in a mansion. And I thought my house was big."

Adrian guides me further into his house and I struggle to take my shoes off at the same time, clutching them in my hand once I get them off.

Rain comes running around the corner and I coo, squatting to pick her up. "My baby!"

"Come on Roni-Ann." Mr. Hayes calls back for me and I look up, noticing him at the staircase rolling his eyes at me.

"He's just jealous, Rain." I giggle, allowing Rain to lick my nose.

We walk up three flights of stairs, stopping at what I believe to be the top floor.

It probably isn't.

"This is a guest room, and those windows are fake." Adrian mumbles as he opens the door, pointing to a window that showed a city-view.

"Why though?" I giggle, scrunching up my nose.

"Why not?" He chuckles and walks to the screen door, looking back at me. "Wait right here."

He goes outside and out of my view, allowing me to get a better look of the room.

There was a small staircase in the corner and I giggle, moving to stand on it.

Taking my phone out, I take a picture of the room and edit it, posting shortly after.

"You ready? Everything is set up." Adrian pokes his head back inside and I nod, walking out onto the balcony with him.

"This is really pretty."

"I'm glad you think so, take a seat."

He pulls a chair out for me and I thank him, sitting down.

Adrian sits across from me and signals for someone to come over, the person setting down plates and glasses.

My phones starts going off repeatedly and I blush, holding it up to check.

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