Now Them

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Chapter 49: Now Them

Stepping out of the building, I breathe in the dewy evening air, sighing to relieve my nerves.

Today's the day, and I'm kind of second guessing.

"Promise me you'll be there today." I tell Adrian, pulling on his arm.

"I promise. I'm going to go change my clothes now." He hums, kissing my forehead. "Why didn't you change?"

"I'm going to do that at the cafe." Checking the time on my phone, I make a calculation of when I should arrive. "Can I see your phone?"

Adrian nods and takes the phone out of his back pocket, placing it in my hand.

I open his messages and tap on my name, surprised that I'm the first one.

I text his phone first and have a conversation with myself, using it as motivation.

RAIN 🦋🍭: tell me

DIAN ❣️😈: you're kinda ugly. but who cares.

RAIN 🦋🍭: disrespect

DIAN ❣️😈: you can do this. I believe in you.

RAIN 🦋🍭: omg thanks, Roni 🥺

DIAN ❣️😈: you're welcome 🥰

I nod in agreement with myself, handing Adrian's phone back.

"Okay! I should leave now. Bye, love." I smile, tip-toeing to pull Adrian down for me to kiss him. "Don't dream about me, it's too early for sleep."

"You think I'm going to fall asleep while changing? Weird." Adrian chuckles, pulling me back for another kiss.

I check my bag to make sure I left nothing before walking to the parking lot, speed walking towards my car.

Turning it on and sitting down, I check my phone one last time while buckling my seatbelt in, getting ready to touch the engine button.

DIAN ❣️😈: I don't know what you need motivation for, but I really do believe in you.
DIAN ❣️😈: Later, princess ❤️


"Jakey! We want free cookies."

"Not them influencing you."

"Influencing her?? She just got her priorities straight." Jasmin gasps, fixing my collar for me.

Jake steps back behind the counter and opens up the display, taking the plate of Chocolate Chip cookies out.

"What?! All we had to do was call you Jakey and that would work?" Leah scoffs, picking up a dessert before he can move them.

"Yes." Jake chuckles, using the tongs to pick a cookie up. "But you guys are too mean to ever consider it."

"Oh come on, Jakey." Jami teases him, taking the cookie. "We used to call you that all the time, it should still count."

"It doesn't. Here Ron."

I take the next cookie from him and bite into it, humming to myself as it softens in my mouth.

I look up at the clock and read the time, my eyes going wide at the numbers.

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