Take Residence

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Chapter 22: Take Residence

"My back hurts."

"Stop moving."

"My feet are tingling." I complain, shifting around.

"Stop moving." Adrian mumbles again and I open an eye, wondering why he sounded so-


His eyes were still closed as I look at our situation.

He looks peaceful. Who knew.

I hold my head up a bit to look down, his arm wrapped around my lower half and a leg slung over mine.

My head was rested on his chest and I cough, embarrassment taking over.

"I should get up."

"Stop moving." He tightens his hold around my thighs and I stop moving, giving in.

It's a good thing we're just acquaintances.


"We aren't acquaintances."

"Yes we are." I refute, fixing my dress.

Adrian opens his eyes and moves me up more, looking me directly in my eyes.

"If we were acquaintances I wouldn't be holding you like this."

"We never established anything between us, so."

"I'm establishing it now then."

"Cool. Move your hand, friend." I giggle, prying his hand off of me.

"You're so annoying."

"I try."

"We're preparing for landing now." The pilot announces. "Please buckle your seatbelts again."

"I'm out." I stand up and stumble to the other side of the plane, buckling my seatbelt and waiting for the plane to land.


"What time is it?"

"6:00, why?" Adrian responds as we get into the taxi.

"Do you have a meeting tonight?" I question, playing with the straps of my bag.

Adrian shakes his head no and I nod, keeping quiet for the rest of the ride.

My body gets chills, the feeling settling in my right arm and chest for a long time while I keep my eyes shut to let it subside.

My sister needs to stop.

"We're here, Roni."


We get out of the car again and collect our suitcases, walking into the hotel.

"Hayes. Adrian Hayes." Mr. Hayes tells the receptionist and she starts typing something in.

"For the suite?"


She pulls out two keycards and hands them to him, smiling seductively but he's already turned away.

"Come on."

Adrian takes my hand in his and walks across the foyer, pushing me onto the elevator.

When it finally stops, I step out and walk behind him, smiling in content once we reach the suite.

"If I find the better room, I'm sleeping in it." I tell him, pulling my suitcase behind me.

"There are two rooms."

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