He's Cute

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Chapter 21: He's Cute

*two days later*

"My whole world is changing, turning around."

"They got me going crazy. Yeah, they're shaking the ground."

"Shut up. I'm still sleeping." Leah whines from the back seat, raising her arm up to stretch.

"Then wake the fuck up." Jasmin tells her, tapping the dashboard. She continues to sing with me and I exit the highway, the airport coming into view.

"I can come with you, right?" Jas question and I nod, pointing in a certain direction.

"We're driving to the back. Where the planes are."

Finally reaching the airport, I drive around the block to reach the back, the planes becoming visible.

"He said the gray one is his." I mumble, turning the car off. "Help me now."

"We'll be back Leah." I tell my friend, watching as she puts her thumb up.

"I'll be here."

Jasmin opens the trunk and pulls my suitcase out, rolling it in my direction.

"I'm going to miss you." I pout, pulling the handle up.

"Yeah sure."

Pulling my phone out while walking, I text Mr. Hayes quickly, waiting for his response.

Me: if two plus two is four. and five plus five is ten. where are you,
Me: darling? 🙃😍😐

We step onto the pavement and towards the plane, talking about random things.

Where is he?

Adrian: In front of you,
Adrian: darling 🥰🥵😒

I feel my face heat up before rubbing my nose vigorously, calming myself down.

Looking around, I notice the curly hair and pull my suitcase and Jasmin in that direction, looking at Mr. Hayes.

I unconsciously brush my clothes off and rub my eyes, preparing a smile for when he turns around.

"That's your boss? He's hot."

"He's bipolar."

"Introduce me, please!" Jasmin begs, weighing my shoulder down. "Isn't he the reason why you're going abroad?"

"Eh." I shrug, watching as he hands someone his bags, laughing at something they say.

This man is doing something to me. And it's strange.

"Roni. I know you didn't get dressed that cute for no reason." She points to my outfit, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I'm just comfortable. And he's coming over right now."

Mr. Hayes strides towards us and I fix my posture, smiling at him.

"Hello to your friend." Adrian waves as my friend begins to swoon. "Are you ready? You better not embarrass me, Roni-Ann."

He holds his arm out for me and I take it, humming in response.

"Yes, sir."

He puts his hand on my suitcase, our fingers subtly interlocking and I move my hand instantly as he prepares to walk away before stopping in his tracks.

Why did my finger do that? Bad fingers.

Not my doing though.

"Are you Jasmin?" Mr. Hayes turns around to face Jami and she smiles, nodding quickly.

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