The Perfect Addition

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Chapter 73: The Perfect Addition

*seven months later*

"Stop touching my ass."

"I'm trying to help you, Roni-Ann. You can barely move."

"I'm moving perfectly fine." I reply, dancing under the water. My stomach pains me and I groan, crouching to hold my stomach. "Ow!"

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, your child just kicked harder than usual. That's all."

"Or, you're having contractions?" Adrian looks at me with concern before turning the water off, opening the shower door.

"I'm not having contractions."

"Come on, princess." Adrian helps me out the shower and I step out with him, walking to the other side of the bathroom to hold onto the sink.

"I need to sit down. Hold my hand, Adrian."

Adrian helps me to stand up straight, the two of us exiting the bathroom.

He brings me to sit on the stool in front of the bed, helping me to dry off. Adrian walks away from me to sit by the window, pulling his shirt over his head.

I sit on the stool and rub my hands together, feeling discomfort in my lower abdomen again. Leaning forward, I use two fingers to measure my downer area, realizing that it's gotten bigger.

"Dilating. Adrian, I'm h- woah!" I exhale harshly, holding my stomach.

"You're having contractions?" He repeats, glaring at me playfully.

"Umm, yes." I giggle nervously, looking down at my hands.

Adrian walks over and stands over me, helping my into my dress. He pulls me up so that I can stand, intertwining our hands together.

"You're not fully dilated so let's go walk around." Adrian speaks gently as I nod. "How many centimeters do you have to go in order to be admitted?"

"At least 5, I think."

"Can you run? Let's go get some fresh air."

"If I'm pregnant what makes you think I can run?" I mutter, squinting my eyes. "This freaking dumbass."

"You were running last week with Rain, though."

Looking up at Adrian, I press the sides of my lips together before rolling my eyes, groaning as I feel another pain.

"I wasn't having contractions last week."


"Okay! Now, dance, dance, dance! Do your little dance!"

"You're not supposed to be more energetic than me Adrian. That's not how our relationship goes."

I continue to grumble under my breath while moving around the backyard, following my husband's actions.

"Come on, my beautiful wifey. We're trying to meet our son tonight, no?" Adrian chuckles, waving my arms around for me.

I feel another contractions and stop dancing for a moment, leaning over so that my forehead touches Adrian's body.

60 seconds...

"This is so embarrassing. I'm in pain, Adrian Hayes!" I scream, hitting his chest lightly. "I'm telling your mother."

"You're so drama-" Adrian begins to say but I take my phone out of my dress pocket, calling his mother quickly. "Really, Roni-Ann?"

His mom answers the phone and I smile slyly, fixing my posture to go back inside the house.

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