Growing. Pursuing

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Chapter 64: Growing. Pursuing

*next week*

"Roni-Ann! Come out the bathroom."

"Give me a minute. I'm doing something."

My girlfriend huffs in annoyance, coming out the bathroom in the next two minutes. She was wearing a purple robe and a matching bonnet, pointing at her head.

The bonnet. I'm in love again.

"What happened?" I chuckle, receiving another huff in response.

"So I was doing my hair, right? Moisturizing it and such, completely forgetting that the bathroom is still steamy." Roni explains, standing in front of me. "The clips are stuck. In. My. Curls."

"It can't be that bad. I'm sure it's suitable for the court-" I begin to reassure her but she pulls the bonnet off her head, using her fingers to pull on the clips. "What the fuck?"

She deliberately put those in there.

"Welp, looks like I can't go to court. I'm a mess." Roni-Ann shrugs while untying the robe, revealing her outfit. "Time to change back into my pajamas."

Roni-Ann turns around and starts to walk back to the bathroom, laughing sneakily.

"Not so fast." Pulling her back by her waist, I sit her back down and take the clips out, fluffing her hair out around her. "See? You should leave your hair out like this."

"Gee thanks." Roni presses her lips together, her dimple showing. She blinks twice while looking me dead in the eyes, slowly holding up her middle finger.

"Don't look at me like that... are you nervous?"

"Just a little." Roni-Ann giggles, stopping herself. "Sorry, not a laughing moment. I'm just-"

"Don't apologize." I assure her, holding her chin up in my hand. "Tell me what you're worried about."

"Okay... What if they rule in favor of my family? What if they send me to jail? What if Sena has connections?"

"I have connections and Chase is your lawyer. He's the best and you're a genius, you'll win for sure."

"You mean it?" She gives me a small smile before standing up, brushing off her dress. "Okay, I can do this!"

"Everybody believes in you. You can do this."


Stepping out of her car for the third time, Roni-Ann doesn't go into the court house but instead walks around to the back of her car.

She bends down and looks under her car, taking something from below.

"What is that?" I ask, waiting for her to come inside the building.

"The camera system on my car. I think it'll be useful today." Roni tells me, placing the two objects in my palms before taking them back out. "I've wasted enough time outside, the court session is about to start."

Roni-Ann steps past me and pushes the courthouse door open, making a beeline into the right hallway.

"I can't do this."

Roni-Ann freezes up as she stares across the hall, looking at her family on the other side.

"Three minutes before the judge will hear from you all." The court officer calls out, causing Roni to start pacing back and forth.

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