Best Over

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Chapter 52: Best Over

"So... what's for dinner?"

Adrian looks down from the screen as I grin at him, leaning back.

Jasmin, Leah and I were on the floor of the screening room, a nacho tray in front of us.

"You just had a sand-"

Killing my wishes, no.

"I'm feeling for something from Pizza Hut? Aren't you Leah?" I ask her, seeing her nod.

Turning to Jasmin, I notice that she was engrossed in the show, her face resting in her palm.

"How are you doing today, Jasmine?"

Her serious face breaks as she dies from laughter, the two of us starting to wheeze.

"Have you been waiting a while to say that to me?" She questions, taking deep breathes.

"Yeah, just a few months. So, Pizza Hut?"


I push myself up from the floor and sit next to Adrian, taking my phone from him.

"What toppings do you like on your pizza, Adrian?"

"Um, pepperoni. Or chicken." He tells me, running his hand across his face.

"Our minds are so alike." I giggle while playing with his hair. "It's like we're soulmates."

I open the app and creating a new location, ordering three pizzas and a salad.

Chicken, pepperoni, and cheese. As well as a salad with no tomatoes. Great.

"Half an hour? Per usual." Leah looks up at me and I nod, turning my phone off again.

I twiddle my thumbs and start clicking my tongue, watching the last part of the program.

"Has it been thirty minutes yet?"

"You just ordered, Roni." Adrian grumbles, giving me a dirty look.

"Okay, well," I refute, thinking of something to say. "That last part of the show felt like forever."

I give him the exact same look and cross my arms, trying to figure out his reasoning. Starting to laugh at what was happening, I lean over in my seat as Adrian kisses his teeth, chuckling as well.

"But seriously, it was only two minutes."


"You know what I could use right now, guys?"

"What?" I answer Jasmin, checking the front door for the third time.

"The damn pi-"

The doorbell rings and I jump up from my spot in front of the door, opening to reveal the pizza guy.

"Thank you!" I chirp, taking the boxes from him. "Wait for me please?"

I leave the door open before walking away to my bag, searching through it for my purse for a tip.

Found it.

Pulling out a twenty, I turn back to the door, seeing that Adrian already beat me to it. He hands the man a hundred dollar bill before closing the door.

"Come eat." Fixing the pizza boxes in my hand, I hold my free hand out to him and he accepts it, leading me to the kitchen. "Can we eat at the bar?"

"You just want the ice cream that's down there." Adrian chuckles, going in the direction of the staircase.

"You are not wrong."

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