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Chapter 9: See?

Sena warned me.

If I wasn't careful, my music box would burn next.

The one thing I have left of my parents, she wants to take it away from me.

"I hate her with a passion."

My notification sound is heard from my bag and I check it, reading a message from my group chat.

»»————-  ————-««

JAMI 🍵🌱: Hoes? Wake the fuck up

LIAH 💫🍯: NO. Shut the fuck up.

JAMI: Bitch. watch me beat your ass the next time I see you.

Me: is there something you needed??

JAMI 🍵🌱: Where are you, baby?

Me: in the parking lot.

JAMI 🍵🌱: Work?

Me: yes ma'am. Why?

JAMI 🍵🌱: Oh no reason. Aight, I'm going back to bed.

LIAH 💫🍯: Damn bitch. Good night.
LIAH 💫🍯: Love you rain. Not u tho jas

JAMI 🍵🌱: I don't want your crusty ass anyways.

LIAH 💫🍯: 👩🏽‍🦯 I'm blind. I don't see where I asked

»»————-  ————-««

The two of them start arguing in the chat and I exit out of it, resting my head against the steering wheel.

A figure stands by my window and I keep my head down, praying that the person goes away.

The person knocks on my window and I look up, raising an eyebrow at Adrian.

"Hm?" I hum while rolling it down, allowing him to stick his hand inside. "What are you doing?"

He opens the door and leans in closer, unbuckling my seatbelt for me. "Get out. You aren't paid to waste time."

Grumpy Adrian is back, just great.

"I'm sorry, I'm having a rough day." Standing up, I trail behind him silently and examine his body.

Mr. Hayes was wearing a navy blue suit today, a gold watch around his wrist. The sleeves of the suit cling to his arms, his muscles flexing with every movement.


"I should really go to the gym more often."

"You don't need to. Your body is fine." Mr. Hayes mumbles, greeting the security guards.


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