Ground Zero-Pomeranian on Patrol

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Hi! Me real quick:
        ⚠️Violence, guns, assault, rape, hints at child abuse, drugs, and oblivious characters⚠️

        The confident and excited attitude did not last long for Ground Zero. In the fifteen minutes after leaving the floristry at five, the surly blonde hero had managed to go from bright optimism to blatant frustration. "Red, where the fuck are you going?"

        The chipper red-themed hero twisted for a second as the pair ran through dim alleyways, dodging trashcans and the occasional terrified stray cat. "To find something to do!"

        "What's the point of having fucking radios, then?" Zero demanded, doing his best to keep up when the redhead twisted around a corner. He'd kept his gauntlets in their collapsed form in order to move faster, and he'd learned almost immediately that Red Riot was surprisingly agile for his size. The police had already expressed their surprise that the city's resident rebel hero had finally broken down and used his radio, but they didn't need to know the story behind that.

        "Just because the radios are quiet doesn't mean there's nothing to do," Red quipped back, seemingly very familiar with this obscure route. "I operated on full radio silence for months. I have other ways of finding work."

        "If your idea is to sit on a roof until something exciting happens, I'm fucking out."

        "I admit, I've done that before--that's how I first ran into to you in costume--but we're not doing that."

        "Then where are we fucking going?! I swear to God, I will turn us back around and we will go the fuck back home!"

        "Aw~ we'd fail if we did that."

        "Then you better start talking, Red--"

        Red Riot skid to a stop and dropped into a smaller side alley, and Ground Zero had to backtrack before he found him again. This place was fucking filthy, and if he wasn't mistaken, they had been heading towards the bad part of town, which made him wary of the suspicious stains on the walls.

        "Hey, what the fuck--"

        "We're here." In the dark, hidden between the buildings, Riot's toothy smile looked almost sinister, full of secrets. The darkness was no stranger to him, and apparently, neither was the brightly lit building on the other side of the street from their hiding place, just opening up for business. Despite that, it was already very busy.

        "You're shitting me..." Ground Zero growled lowly. "You're fucking shitting me."

        A nightclub. A very loud, very bright, very sketchy looking nightclub, covered in neon and smelling like booze.

        "I am not," Red Riot grinned innocently, much too proud of himself.

        "I'm not fucking going in there. How the fuck did you even know this was here, eh?" Zero accused.

        He seemed to think about that, and the answer was infuriating. "That's a secret."

        "Secret my ass! That place looks like it's full of drugs and felons--" The innocent look grew wider and Zero understood. "That's exactly the point, isn't it?" He sighed.

        Red nodded.

        The blonde hero responded by taking his gauntlets off his belt and expanding them to full size. "I'm gonna kill you."

        "If I find you something to beat up, will you be happy then?"


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