Eijiro Kirishima-Disciplinary Prison

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Has it been like a month? Yes. Maybe longer. But hey guys, this is chapter SEVENTY-ONE. It has just struck me that I have been writing this story for almost a year and a half! If you haven't done so already, remember to vote and comment on chapters you enjoy to show your support for my increasingly out-of-control hobby!
        Now, ONWARD-
        *screech* Wait... do I need warnings? I don't think so? They made a musical about it so it's funny, it's probably fine. EH here goes-

        A clock high on the wall ticked slowly, dragging out the seconds in the silent classroom. Kirishima thunked his head on the desk. "Sometimes, Mina, I feel like you do things on purpose."

        "Excuse me?!"She retaliated with great offense. "I'll have you know that I am a perfect angel. It's not my fault you have an attitude problem."

        "Wha-- huh?! Were we just in the same room?"

        "Uh, duh. You're the one that jumped across a table."

        "I was trying to stop you from throwing the finger at Aizawa!"

        "Tsk tsk. Causing such a commotion."

         "I-- Uraraka, help me out here, please!"

        The brunette lifted her head from her own desk to blink at Kirishima, glancing back and forth between the two before propping her chin on her palm. She took her time yawning and examining her fingernails before replying slowly and calmly, like talking to children. "Look, I got in trouble because I couldn't stop laughing at the two of you. Now we have extra work, and I don't think I care whose fault it is."

        Kiri blinked at her with concern, wary of her unusual mood, and Sero suddenly leaned over his shoulder. "Wow, girls really do sync up together!"

        Uraraka stiffened and shot to her feet instantly to launch a chair at their raven-haired classmate, who used Kirishima as an unwitting shield against her attack. "Screw you, Sero!"

        Denki whined pitifully. "It's stuff like this that has us in detention."

        "Bullshit!" Shinso slammed a fist onto his desk, pushing his head off his arms to glare at Denki. "I get why you two are here. I get why those two are here." He jerked his thumb across the room at Mina and Kiri. "Hell, I even kind of get why Uraraka is here. But can somebody explain to me what I did? Why am I here?"

        Midoriya glanced up from his notebook at his place beside Shinso. He seemed to be the only one using his detention time to actually do whatever work he had. Kiri, however--Kiri was bored. He and Sero were supposed to be patrolling, but now they had to do this. "Because apparently, when we signed on to be your guide, you signed up to be our babysitter, so now the both of us are being punished because he decided to stick scissors in a light socket and set Aizawa's sleeping bag on fire."

        "If that's the case, then why isn't Bakugo here?"

        "Because then Kiri would be happy."

        "Yeah, but Bakugo wouldn't, and when Bakugo's unhappy, everyone's unhappy."

        "Waiting for you to realize that, not only would 'everyone' include you, Shinso, but you are underestimating Kacchan's ability to be happy around tall, broad, Henry the Eighth," Deku deadpanned.

        Denki giggled. "Supreme head of the church of England~" he sang.

        Kirishima's brows furrowed, not following. He had long since lost track of this conversation, but he was fairly certain that was a TikTok. "I'm... not religious. Or English."

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