Katsuki Bakugo- His Name

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        Lying awake at night irritated Katsuki Bakugo, losing important hours of sleep with pointless thoughts, but he couldn't help it. A boy, of all things, plagued his imagination and refused to let him go.

        His name was Eijiro Kirishima. It meant sharp, son, and island.

        Before the tense incident in the flower shop, Bakugo wouldn't have thought the name suited him. However, the guy had clearly proved capable of standing up for his allies, his demeanor switching easily from bubbly and curious to cold and dangerous at the slightest provocation. He had a quick tongue, and Bakugo liked his spirit. 

        The explosive blonde had meant what he'd said. At the flower shop. Even when he tried to isolate himself, Bakugo always found himself immersed in people. He couldn't imagine how lonely the store owner must be after all his customers had gone and left him to himself.

        When his waking thoughts began to drift, Bakugo growled and twisted in his sheets, pulling the duvet up to his chin. Sure, he could lay and imagine curing the redhead's loneliness. He could lay and imagine lots of things. The sun on the stranger's face in the morning. His voice in his waking hours. Maybe even--

        The blonde screamed internally and kicked at the restraining sheets, instantly regretting it when the freezing night air invaded his cocoon of warmth. Damn, he was becoming as bad as Icy-Hot with his gay-ass fantasies.

        As if on cue, the fire alarms went off, and this time Bakugo screamed out loud.

        Class today was a fucking nightmare. A raging headache pounded through his skull, his temples throbbing as he screwed his eyes shut tight against the bright classroom lights. Bakugo was pissed, and he made sure everyone fucking knew it. The pent up rage flowed through him, escaping in the constant jogging of his foot and the drumming of his fingers on the desk. His classmates scooted away from him, knowing full well to handle him with extreme caution when he became this testy.

        But of course, they were pissed too. Not only had shitty Icy-Hot set off the fire alarm with another of his fucking gay panics, but he'd done so at two o'clock in the goddamn morning. The school, even with its knowledge of Half-n-half's incidents, still insisted on evacuating the entire building, while they searched for the fire, a process that had taken three hours. Mr. Aizawa had been out at the time, so he hadn't been able to tell them to back the fuck off and let them all go back to fucking sleep. Now the equally sleep-deprived professor stood before them, teaching a shitty lesson on natural disaster victim recovery tactics at eight o'clock on a shitty fucking morning.

        Shitty Half-n-half, his head bowed onto his desk in the back of the room, was incredibly embarrassed--Bakugo could tell. He grunted in response to any questions asked to him, and if anyone brought up the fucking incident, some part of him would go up in nervous flames. His episodes had never been a big deal before, and he hated that everyone had suffered because of his fucking flightiness.

        Mr. Aizawa said something that Bakugo didn't catch, so the blonde yawned loudly in his face. The dean glowered. "Look, I know none of you got very much sleep last night but cut me some slack. At least pretend to listen to what I have to say for just thirty more minutes."

        The class groaned loudly. Today was so fucking slow

        "You give us a break," Dunce-Face retorted from where his head lay resting on his desk, his eyes closed. His lack of sleep made him even fucking dumber than usual. "After this, we have a history exam that all of us were up late studying for, and when we finally get to sleep, Princey over here has a heart attack."

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now