Katsuki Bakugo & Suneater

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Saturday's at UA. What could go wrong?

        The report had been easy--not that Bakugo fucking analyzed Red Riot or anything, he just kind of admired him a bit. The most recent clip of the nocturnal hero had revealed him to be... more fucking attractive than Bakugo would have thought. Before, he'd held a certain respect for the shitty hero to be able to go so fucking long without being spotted by the media. Now, it was a much more physical type of attraction.

        Ponytail had decided to be unbearable, stopping by his dorm this morning after the morning's English class to cheekily remind him to 'wait three days' before stopping by the flower shop to flirt again. Honestly, who did she fucking think she was? Who says he was ever going to return to the scene of his crime and do it again? And did she think he was stupid? He knew better than to bother the cute redhead before three days, he'd seen that damn chick-flick. On accident. Maybe.

        The flowers were doing fucking great, sitting there casually on his windowsill, bringing light and color and sunshine into his dorm room. It fucking felt like a happy place. Oh, dear God, he hated it. He wanted more. 

        He woke up Saturday morning--after a late-night of finishing all the shitty math homework they'd need for the next week--to all this happy-ass light and was immediately pissed. Kicking angrily at the covers, he threw on some casual clothes and his signature black and orange combat boots. All the classes today were in the afternoon, and there was no school Sunday, so everyone else's lazy asses would probably be sleeping in, giving him free-fucking-range over the TV set. 

        Groaning and grouchy, he slumped down the stairs, the boots forcing his feet to fall heavily on the floor, which he didn't mind. He made his way into the kitchen to make a damn pot of coffee, but not before securing the fucking TV remote in his pocket so he wouldn't have to suffer through another shitty marathon of fucking Sponge-Bob when Dunce-Face woke up. Damn Deku and Pink-Cheeks were already wide awake, standing on the floating table in the kitchen, making forced casual conversation and sipping at glasses of milk because they were both pussies that hated the taste, of coffee.

        He stopped in the doorway. "What the fuck are you two doing?"

        "Drinking milk, Kacchan," Deku responded. "What does it look like we're doing?"

        "We live here too, you know," Round-Face sassed, "we can do what we want."

        Bakugo scanned the room as he hummed sarcastically. He sighed. "Where's the spider?"

        "UnderthetablepleasekillitKacchan!" Deku whined.

        The explosive blonde laughed, his amusement clear in his malicious smirk. "Gladly," he cackled, creeping into the room. "Somebody, make me some coffee, or I won't stop killing at the spider." Pink-Cheeks floated herself over to the coffee pot without complaint while Bakugo let his fingers light, the sparks crackling up to his elbows. "Here~ Spidey," he cooed evilly.

        The spider was not on the floor, but it was under the table, Bakugo discovered as he looked at the wooden bottom of the table. He grinned maniacally. Two birds with one fucking explosion. "Say 'goodbye', Deku!" He shouted, letting loose a blast that shot the table into the ceiling.

        Pink-Cheeks screamed as Deku shouted, "KACCHAN, NO!"  before his body smashed against the ceiling. The blonde was at least a little bit hopeful that he'd broken something.

        A burnt, shriveled thing dropped to the ground at Bakugo's feet, which he stomped on just to make sure.

        Round-Face glared at him in horror. "Bakugo, why would you do that?!"

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now