Hizashi Yamada

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        Hizashi Yamada's favorite pastime was annoying the absolute shit out of his wonderful loving husband. It was just so much fun to tease him and sing super loud in the shower while he was trying to concentrate because if he pissed off Shota Aizawa enough, the sleep-deprived gremlin would pull him in and force him to shut up. Many people liked to say their relationship wasn't healthy (which it probably wasn't) and claim that it wouldn't last long, but Yamada dared them to say that in the face of twelve years of marriage and six of a prior relationship. These ignorant people based some of this theory on the fact that the professors still had different last names, but this came about in part to keep the students off their backs and in more part because they'd gotten into a huge fight over which name to use. Yamada had wanted to use Aizawa's name. Aizawa disagreed.

        They lived together in a decently sized three-bedroom apartment, the living spaces down a short hallway that branched off their large sitting room, with a wonderful view of downtown. The kitchen was large but rarely used, as neither Hizashi or his husband were very skilled cooks (that didn't stop Hizashi from trying though).

        Yamada was grading class 2B's essay when Aizawa returned from his extended patrol early Monday morning, and his first reaction was to scold his husband on poor sleeping habits. Really, he was sour because Shota flip-flopped between Sunday patrols and spending the day off with his husband every week, and this had just happened to be the flop week.

        Hizashi, his long straight blonde hair thrown up in a bun and reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose, heard the key in the lock and chose to stand leaning against the wall to the entryway of their apartment. It had taken him many years to perfect the disappointed glare his husband sometimes gave the students, but he managed to use it now as the scruffy college dean forced his weight against the hinges that stuck and the carpet that always caught the underside of the door.

        Cursing quietly at the door he was always telling Hizashi to fix (Yamada was never going to because he liked the extra seconds he had to stop doing things that would get him in trouble. Read: all the times he's ever thought cooking would be a good idea) Shota made his way into his home, kicking his shoes off in the doorway. He'd managed to change out of his hero costume before heading home, and his briefcase full of papers slapped heavily against his hip when he moved.

        Hizashi cleared his throat, and Aizawa looked up, red eyes meeting his husband's brown. "Hizashi--I wasn't expecting you to still be awake."

        Yamada noticed the bags under his eyes instantly and opened his mouth to begin his lecture.

        Shota waved him off, grabbing onto the crook of his elbow as he rushed into the living room. "Save it for later. Believe it or not, I did manage to sleep on patrol, but I've been busy."

        "Busy with what?" The blonde demanded as he was pulled onto their couch. "Jesus, what has got you so excited?"

        "We finally fucking found him," Shota grinned, shuffling through the papers in his case. Fucking--what do you do when autocorrect turns Shota into Satan? I'm scared now. "One of the students, actually."

        "That one vigilante kid whose been avoiding us and throwing the whole school off schedule?" Hizashi guessed. He didn't really mind the inconvenience, as it had forced the students to spend more time in his class.

        "Red Riot, yes."

        The dean pulled a sheaf of paper out, marked with a bright red sticker. Hizashi recognized it as a UA enrollment sheet. He skipped to the bottom, finding that the application had no student signature. "Who filled this out for him?" He asked.

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