Izuku Midoriya-Disappointment

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IMPORTANT UPDATE AT THE END (the rest is just sarcasm)
So, I recently read on an official Wattpad Success guide that chapters are recommended to be two thousand words long. I...
        I sat and stared at this recommendation, thinking. I thought for a while. 
        And then I laughed, remembering that eleven-thousand-word chapter that you guys love so much, and the ten-thousand-word Halloween special. 
        Also, I'm proud of myself. The Halloween update didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would. Did that stop me from procrastinating finishing it to start this chapter before panicking and rushing to fix it? Nope. (Did my pride immediately falter upon the realization that teenagers get grounded for weeks on end? Yes. Yes, of course. Welcome back, ME! I apologize and I’m catching up on my notifications because I think I’ve been tagged and if I’m right I’ll be really happy for like a month. The hiatus chapter will go down sometime later today because it's useless.)
        On another note, Bakugo’s sarcasm in this chapter is amazing.

        Katsuki Bakugo was in a sour-puss attitude. An absolute shitstorm of a terrible mood. A tempest of rage and fury paralleled only by the motherfucking gods. Again. 

        And Izuku Midoriya found himself caught in the crossfire of the blonde's unnecessary irritation. Again.

        "K-Kacchan, you're gonna burn the--"

        "Shut the fuck up, you goddamn nerd," Kacchan snapped, tossing the vegetables in his pan and watching as they flew and sizzled. "I can fucking cook better than you do any shitty day of the goddamn week, so why don't you piss off and go make goo-goo eyes at Icyhot?"

        "Kacchan..." Deku's face fell further into a frown, and he tilted his head with a sigh. He was sitting on the counter behind the blonde, his arms wrapped around his knees and watching the other boy cook. It always astounded him how they could both put the same things into the same pot, yet the resulting food could taste so different. 

        It was Wednesday evening, and Kacchan had been in such a bad mood all day that he had barely said two words to anyone--except for him, of course, who he couldn't stop cursing at. Everyone else in the dorms had gotten tired of the blonde's attitude really fast, so most of them were outside in the lawn enjoying the last hour of sunshine. Midoriya had been surprised, to say the least, when his blonde friend had cornered him for the second day in a row, demanding that they talk. Usually, they saved talking for their Friday afternoon training together (which they planned to move up to Thursday this week, since they had no idea what the assembly Friday would entail), so the greenette knew this had to be important, and the curiosity was eating him up inside. 

        "You didn't find anything on patrol today, either, did you?"

        Kacchan slammed the pan down onto the stove. Despite wanting to talk, he still eating very good at it. "The fuck gave you that idea, eh?"

        Deku rose a single challenging eyebrow.

        Kacchan huffed. "Fucking, no, I didn't."

        "Wasn't he--"

        "Yes, he left the dorms early today, too. He's been gone for hours already."

        Deku chewed on the inside of his cheek. "And you're sure--"

        He cut himself off as Kacchan turned to glare forcefully at him, a look that clearly said, 'shut the fuck up before I throw this hot oil in your face and shove these chopsticks through your eyes'.

        "Okay, I won't question you anymore," the greenette promised instead, letting out a breath of relief when Kacchan turned back around. He reached for the notebook beside him, wondering if he should bring up the next topic on his mind. Steeling himself to run from hot vegetables, Midoriya spoke up. "So, I've been thinking a lot about something you said to me the other day."

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