Izuku Midoriya

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You know that feeling when you're reading KiriBaku angst on Ao3 when you should really be trying to get yourself into the mindset to write light fluff, so you tell yourself 'one more chapter' and before you know it it's been three hours and all you want to do is cry? No? Is that just me? I'm gonna take a break and come back in an hour, far away from the angst.

        Sunday, in Izuku Midoriya's opinion, was probably the most relaxing day of the week, if only because Kacchan had decided to spend it out of the dorms because they wouldn't be having any classes. Yes, he was very happy to be released from the nurse at eight and be told that Bakugo was gone for the day. Of course, this was after sitting through an hour-long lecture from Iida about personal safety and why his circumstances were a prime example of why not to stand on a table, and another half-an-hour of Uraraka's panicking before she left campus to spend the day with Tsuyu Asui and her parents, but it was still a pretty good start to the day.

        Even better, Rikido Sato had picked today to finally stop holing himself away in his dorm room and cook in the kitchen--he probably made this choice because Kacchan wouldn't be here to be super territorial over the kitchen today--where everyone could smell the intoxicatingly sweet, warm smells from whatever cookies and cakes he wanted to bake today. He'd even let Midoriya put in a request for strawberry shortcake, so long as the greenette kept Sero well out of the kitchen while he baked. Sero liked to sneak pot into their baked goods, which was funny until a batch had been left out before school, and Denki had nearly electrocuted the Dean.

        Todoroki thought it absolutely hilarious that Deku was trying--and failing--to watch TV while sitting on the bar that separated the kitchen from the living area of the common room. The TV just so happened to be tilted to make this task nearly impossible, probably something the teachers had thought of so that students wouldn't get distracted while cooking. However, it was the best spot to guard the entrance to the kitchen, so Midoriya refused to move.

        No one had questioned Fumikage Tokoyami when he came downstairs with Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure, the purple duvet from his bed draped over his head like a shield against the light. The sleek ebony feathers that coated his head always made it difficult to tell if he had bags under his eyes, but Midoriya thought he had become pretty adept at reading his classmates' moods.

        "Hey, Tokoyami," he tried, smiling when the bird-like boy glared at him. "Did Dark Shadow keep you up all night again?"

        "Revelry in the dark," he growled, sending chills through the room.

        "Apple pie to cheer up the resident emo?" Sato guessed, hearing the familiar phrase from the kitchen. Apples were Tokoyami's favorite food.

        "Please," Ojiro sighed, prodding the irritated prince of darkness towards the couch. "Aoyama decided that last night would be a wonderful night for a personal fashion show, and for some reason, he can't do that without loud disco music."

        Midoriya groaned in sympathy. Yuga Aoyama lived in the dorm between himself and Tokoyami, and his fashion shows could be very irritating. They also meant he'd be sleeping all day today. He had a very... sparkly personality, to say the least, and the greenette was a little grateful that Kacchan had broken his shoulders, making him spend the night in the nurse's office (observational purposes only--they still made him go to classes yesterday, despite being drowsy and lightheaded from the drain to his stamina). "You want to hear a joke?" Deku offered.

        "I only like dark humor," Tokoyami grumbled. Taking the seat on the left of Todoroki on the couch. He liked sitting by Todoroki in the mornings because he was usually cold, and the left side of the bi-colored boy was usually warm. Todo often turned up the heat so his friends could be more comfortable.

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