Eijiro Kirishima - How a Sneeze Nearly Ruined the Wedding

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They found Denki.

Or rather, Katsuki found Denki, a mere hour after they'd noticed he was missing. As it turned out, he'd slipped on a divot in the path back to the cars and slid down the rocky trail to the beach. When he reached the water, sand stuffed up his nose and down his shirt, he'd sneezed.

Out went the power, killed instantly by the burst of static energy that caused thunder to roll across the beach, and honestly? Almost killed Hikaru.

Hikaru, the groom who like many of his kind, had gotten nervous and flighty decided to take a walk. Denki accompanied him, the thought of the groom running probably far from his head, but just to have someone to talk to.

According to Denki much, much later, Hikaru kept saying his fiance seemed too good for him, and all her sisters knew it. It was hard getting along with her family because they were a little... much. A fair improvement over some of his own, but still overwhelming and different.

Also, he was sick of his little brother hitting on his future wife, and it was driving the poor guy crazy.

Hikaru later said that Denki offered him a surprising amount of insight. Apparently, Denki told him that most people didn't mind the little quirks that made him insecure. Most people didn't mind mistakes, as long as they were learned from. And most people never found real love, or they gave up on it too quickly.

So what if she wasn't the one?

What if she was?

What if she was his perfect match, and he let her slip away because of the smallest, half-baked insecurity?

Whatever bit of golden philosophy Denki threw at Hikaru, it eased the groom's worries. They turned to walk back to the venue along the trail, and that was when Denki slipped. Luckily, Hikaru's quirk, something similar to a barrier or force field, protected him from the brunt of Denki's electrical barrage.

The blonde had apologized profusely since they'd found him, but he didn't seem hurt and no one else had been either--just a little stunned from the fall. Of course, that didn't stop Katsuki from trying to strangle him or Iida from spitting out ten different versions of the usual safety spiel.

And somehow, all of this happened without Miko ever finding out.

The last thing a stressed-out bride needed to hear on her wedding day was that the groom had gone missing in action and nearly died, and Miss Pam had told her that the power outage was merely a trip in the circuit breaker. A minor setback that could be resolved with minimal worry.

As it was, it took Momo, Jiro, and Denki an hour to get the power back on, and with only one more hour left until guests began arriving, that gave the catering team a time crunch. All their ovens had gone down in the outage, making some very unhappy Sato's.

But they'd managed. Everyone had pulled through, the lights back on in time for the ceremony, and Eijiro got to watch from the sidelines as his hard work padded softly down the aisle with her father.

He'd only seen the dress once before, and even then, only a photo. A delicate, backless, sleeveless white thing, straps of lace meeting for a modest neckline and folding into fabric roses around her bodice, blooming larger down the skirts. The brunette curls that hadn't been pinned into an elaborate braid framed her face and the innocent, beaming smile the stretched cheek to cheek. In her hands she held peach roses and lavender, to match Hikaru's blush tuxedo.

Mina gave Eijiro the complete breakdown while soft music played. Everything, every detail, from the veil to the organ song, from the rings to the vows, had such profound, timeless meanings. Unity. Loyalty.

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