Katsuki Bakugo - Rosy Red White Lies

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Wattpad hasn't properly advertised my stories in almost two years, but apparently that last chapter gave this book some traffic again. That being said, if you or a loved one has enjoyed this story, I am entitled to a lot of inbox spam. 🥰
Things that will spam my inbox:
Comments - I read every single one, I reply where I can.
Votes - The vote to read ratio is off, probably from the ones that have read the same chapter twelve times. (You know who you are. I know who you are. Your friends know who you are.)
Reading Lists - Adding me to a reading list also boosts my visibility, increasing the number of bookworms leaving funny comments.
Recommend me to your friends - Obviously, so that you can yell at them about Kiri's dad again, but this time they understand.

Katsuki grimaced, staring down a stew bubbling on the range in the kitchen and daring it to boil over so that he would have something else to be mad at. "Are you sure you don't know where the fuck he is?" He snapped, brandishing his wooden stir spoon at the witch who normally knew every loving detail of his boyfriend's life.

Mina popped her bubblegum and glanced over the top of her phone. Having already answered this same questions a dozen times in the last three hours, her dark eyes had lost their normal humor and the gold irises glinted in threat. "Katsuki, I'm sure that if I had any suspicion where he was, I wouldn't be here."

Katsuki only grumbled and jabbed at a pan of veggies with the spoon. Silently, Shinso stood at the corner of the counter, judging him over the rim of his coffee mug. In the common room, a raucous game of Mario Party had turned violent, and Denki moved into the kitchen after Jiro kicked him off the console for being a hog. He winced upon spotting the other two. "Oh no, is he still stress cooking?"

"I'm not fucking stress cooking." Katsuki snapped, nearly flipping vegetables right over the edge when the flicked the pan. "I'm pissed. This is rage cooking."

Denki held a fucking finger up at him and strode to the refrigerator, opening the door and stepping back. "Whatever it is, Kacchan, you've done enough of it to feed the whole class for a week. There's pasta, tofu, egg rolls—is this a whole pot roast? When did you have time to make a pot roast?"

Katsuki turned a glare on him. "Shove off, Dunce-Face. I put the pot roast on before school. Now, do you want any of this or not, because I'm about to use it for target practice."

Denki made a dash for the Tupperware. "Hold up—GUYS! Come grab dinner before Bakugo charbroils it!"

"Kaminari, you have already eaten!" Iida's voice cut through the din. Someone smacked him, and a second later Uraraka and Deku dashed around the corner and Deku leapt over the counter to beat her to the pot.

"C'mon, Iida, lighten up." Kaminari poured generous helpings of stew into multiple plastic containers. "He's gonna throw it away otherwise. Don't make him waste it."

"How is this my fault?! Good lord, Ochako, that really hurt."

"Iida, for Christ's sake, just say fuck."

"Katsuki," Mina prodded gently, before his hands started to spark in annoyance. She set her phone down and laid a hand on his shoulder, trying her best. "I'm sure he's fine."

Uraraka helped herself to a bowl, then started helping Denki package up the rest of it. Deku labeled a couple of containers with some of their classmates names before Uraraka handed him his own to eat on her way back to the couch. Shinso followed her, grumbling about how they were all being so loud and dramatic.

Katsuki grimaced. Somewhere, he was sure that Mina was right. He was sure that Eijiro was safe. However, the slim chance that she's wrong, that Eijiro has gone of and done something reckless after Katsuki brought up his bastard father earlier, won out with the paranoia in his brain. "You didn't fuckin' hear him. He said 'no promises on one piece.' What the fuck does that even mean? If he was going on patrol, why not just fucking say that? Not like I actually give a fuck, right? Big, bed-headed moron can look after himself." Deku jumped up to sit beside her with a bowl of-- "Are you eating again, you fucking fatass?!"

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