Eijiro Kirishima & Katsuki Bakugo-Surreality

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Unfortunately, Wattpad did not allow me to title this chapter 'That Feeling When It's Literally Your First Day of School and Your Teacher is Making You Take The Exam From Hell.'
        It apparently exceeds the eighty character title limit.

        Eijiro Kirishima stood in front of the mirror at six thirty Monday morning, adjusting his tie and checking his hair. His school uniform fit perfectly, a rarity when it came to formal clothes and his body type.

        He grinned brightly at his reflection. He was really doing it. After years of hoping and saving and wishing, he was really going to attend an actual class at UA University, his dream school, taught by a real professor and everything.

        Everything was happening so fast now, it was all just so surreal. And he was so happy--so so unbelievably happy.

        So many doors were opening, and Kiri almost didn't know which one to walk through. He'd have to adjust his schedule, of course--Tamaki had already agreed to take over the morning shifts at Chivalrous Arrangements during the week, and as soon as they got the new employees up to speed, he wouldn't have to worry so much about the shop. He'd also have to alter his hero hours to allow time for studying, though maybe if he paid extra good attention in class and did his homework at every opportunity, he wouldn't have to give up much of his training or patrol.

        A loud heavy knock at his door jolted him out of his thoughts and sent the redhead rushing across the room to open it. Seeing who stood on the other side, he couldn't help but smile. "Does everyone get a wake-up call, or am I just special?"

        Obviously tired and not a morning person, Bakugo growled in response, avoiding eye contact as he pushed himself off the door frame and started down the hall. "Don't get used to it. Because you're a late arrival, the fucking dean assigned a student to show you around and help catch you up to speed, and because he's a cryptic asshole who stalks the students, he chose me--so you're stuck with me all day, everyday, for the next few weeks."

        Kirishima paused for a moment, grabbing his book bag before following him down the hall. "Does he really stalk the students?"

        Bakugo threw up his arms, and Kiri noticed that he had chosen not to wear his tie and left the first few buttons of his shirt undone. "Who fucking knows?"

        Kiri frowned at his tone. He sounded... really pissed. The redhead got the sense that he wasn't really in the mood for talking on the way to the elevators--maybe he hadn't handled the fire drill and the interruptance to his sleep schedule last night so well.

        Uraraka was waiting for the elevator to arrive when they reached it, and she grinned broadly. "Morning, Kirishima! Are you excited for class?"

        He returned her smile with just as much enthusiasm, pretending not to notice the overly-hostile way Bakugo glared at her. "Definitely! I've never used my quirk at school before."

        "Oh, you're going to love it!" She beamed. "Don't worry about holding back--our nurse is awesome and can handle everything!"

        ...Should the fact that she's so convinced we'll need a nurse worry me..?

        Shoji joined them quietly before the elevator arrived, and the common room was full of kids by the time they made it to the ground floor. A few of the kids he knew at least nodded at him, and no one seemed hostile over what had happened yesterday. Someone, probably Midoriya, handed Bakugo a coffee. Mina ran in from the kitchen, bouncing around her friend and ignoring his weak attempts at a decent greeting.

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