Katsuki Bakugo-Fallout

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HELLO: I have been gone. I am sorry. My grounding was horrible and encompassed the entirety of my life. But I am back, and I have a chapter, and everything's fine.

        Everything was not fucking perfect.

        "So, let me get this straight, Kacchan... you went out with a hot guy--"


        "--and had a wonderful evening--"


        "--free of charge to you--"


        "--with someone who even understands your emotional needs--"

        "Get to the fucking point, Deku."

        "--and you're mad at him why?"

        "Because he didn't fucking kiss me!"

        "And that's it?!"



        "Because he had so many opportunities, but especially after running from my mother, and we were high off adrenaline and shit, and the lighting was perfect, but no."

        "... You know, it's really easy to forget you're a diehard romantic."

        "I'll kill you."

        "Fine, fine. Well, if it was so perfect, why didn't you kiss him yourself?"

        "Because the idiot asked me out, so it's his job to kiss me."

        "Kacchan, you are the most chauvinistic gay man I've ever met."

        "Am not!"

        "Well, the only other option is that your power bottom is showing--"

        "Fucking DIE!"

        "Bakugo," Aizawa shouted over the other students. "This is supposed to be an obstacle course relay. Let's keep the bloodshed to a minimum."

        The baton clutched in Bakugo's fist prevented him from flipping their teacher the middle finger. It was probably for the best--he didn't want to deal with shitty fucking detention. However, the urge to do it anyway got him to quit beating Deku over the head with it. They weren't supposed to brutalize each other during this exercise.

        Thank fucking God they couldn't hear him.

        They'd been divided into groups of five for training today, which sucked ass because Bakugo was not usually a team player. Deku kept pace with him through the course on his left, and behind him on his right was Headphones, trailing close. The fourth lane over had Sparkle-Face, lagging abysmally and complaining about the sun. Aizawa hadn't allowed the wimp his sunglasses, and he was making sure everyone knew how fucking miserable he was. Sonic was on his team, though, so the ass was likely taking advantage of that to be obnoxious.

        Bakugo's team, like all the others,  had been chosen at random, so it was full of people he wouldn't typically work with. Monkey-Tail had gone ahead of him, which had put them in a great lead against Shitty-Hair, Round-Face, and Invisibitch, but Tape-Arms had closed the gap a bit, even against Crow-Face, who could fucking fly. Bakugo wasn't sure how Headphones was so close, but he supposed it was something Octo-Arms had done.

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