Eijiro Kirishima & Red Riot- His Name

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        Katsuki Bakugo.

        Kirishima stood there for a minute, staring out the door the blonde had just left from. Katsuki Bakugo, he had said.


        His fingers started tapping frantically against the marble countertop, the nervous energy swelling. Oh, god, his heart was going to kill him. What did he do? What did normal people do when they find out their crush and their best friend go to the same school?

        Kirishima suddenly clamped a hand over his mouth. Oh, god, he'd called him a piece of work. To Mina's face!

        That's what people did, they called their best friend. Mina would be able to help with this--why wouldn't she? The phone was halfway to his ear before he remembered that they were still kind-of-sort-of-not mad at each other, so he let it flop onto the counter instead.

        "Boss, did you find the wedding catalog?" Tamaki called from the storeroom. Ms. Pam had formally placed the wedding request this morning when she came to pick up her orchids, and she had been the only customer all day, so the two of them had spent the better part of three hours hunting down the wedding materials scattered across the shop. "Boss?" He called again, poking his head into the main shop when Kirishima didn't respond. "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. The store's not haunted, right?"

        The redhead blinked, forcing himself to take a breath. So that's why his head was getting fuzzy. "N-n-no, I'm f-fine."

        Tamaki merely rose an eyebrow, not buying the stuttered excuse. "What happened?"

        "O-o-o-oh, nothing," Kiri tried again. "J-just m-m-my heart t-trying to kill me."

        The other boy's eyes widened, glancing at the door. "Don't tell me I missed him again. I was here this time, too!"

        "Tamaki that's not my problem!" The redhead snapped. "Oh, god heavenly lord--he goes to school with Mina."  The redhead realized something suddenly, whirling on his employee. "He goes to school with you!" 

        The raven-haired boy flushed and he shuffled fully into the room, knowing he'd been caught. "I... may or may not have known something about that. I may have had to deal with a violent incident report involving flowers."

        That made Kirishima laugh, just a little, but enough to calm down. He started shuffling papers around his workspace, trying desperately to focus on work. "I'm getting coffee with him tomorrow. Is that stupid?"

        Tamaki blinked. "You... you what? Really?"

        "Yeah..." Kiri noticed a manila envelope underneath the wedding order and pulled it out. It was kind of heavy. "What's this?"

        The raven-haired boy's eyebrows rose again. "Dunno. It was with the mail when I brought it in this morning."

        He glanced at it suspiciously before shrugging. "Well, let's open it up and hope it's not a bomb." He carefully opened the top. Now that the words were out of his mouth, he was genuinely scared it might be a bomb and readied himself to activate his quirk at a moment's notice.

        It was not a bomb, and Kirishima suddenly felt a little dumb. Just a letter, and a few forms. A lot of forms. "What is this?" He asked again, not really to anyone. He glanced at the return address on the envelope. It seemed familiar, but not something he remembered off the top of his head. Did I forget to pay a bill this month? 

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