Eijiro Kirishima-Disturbia

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Disturbia: the dark side of a sunny, modern suburban neighborhood.

So, some of you probably saw the open debate about whether or not to kill everyone again in this chapter. The majority of the voters sided with murder and chaos.
        However, this book is a dictatorship, not a democracy, and although funny, the author has chosen to side with chaos but not murder. Nobody dies.

⚠️Warning⚠️This chapter contains the aftermath of sexual assault and emotional trauma, more homophobia and violence, with a dash of descriptive anxiety and PTSD⚠️
        Speaking of warnings, I have fixed most of the previous chapters without them, but let me know if you guys find one that you think needs one.
        Also, fuck you, Mineta.

        Everyone in the dorms let the topic drop after Mina managed to convince everyone that she was doing better. Denki's jokes worked wonders with improving her mood and helping her recover from the shock. A large group of the girls had left for the main campus to report the incident to the dean, and the boys had quieted down for the most part, careful to give her space.

        Kirishima hadn't moved from his spot by the wall, his classmates' voices and movements swirling around him like eddies in a stream. He'd tucked his arms around himself and leaned against the place where he'd pinned Minoru Mineta. If anyone looked at him, they'd probably assume he was still pissed.

        He was keeping tabs on his heart rate, beating against his ribs as if trying to escape, and the chills racing up his arms and back and causing him to fidget. Despite the cold, he was sweaty and clammy, and he knew he was probably pale. His clothes were both too loose and too tight, moving against him uncomfortably.

        Not here. Kiri drew in a shaky breath, clenching his eyes shut and counting slowly in his head. Now is not the time.

        But he couldn't shake the familiar feeling of hands on his skin--running up his arms, his back, his torso, clawing at his neck, his hips, his thighs. God, fuck, why wouldn't they move? Why, after all this time? Just get off.

        Kirishima moved a jittery hand up to carve it through his hair-- his hair was being pulled and pulled and it hurt. It hurt so bad but it wouldn't stop--

        No! He grit his teeth, biting back a desperate whimper and trying to force himself to breathe normally. It's not real. It's... it's not real.

        But there was something between his teeth and it wasn't his. It wasn't his and it wouldn't get out. Hot, furious tears began to boil behind his eyelids and his lips quivered as he fought to breathe because there was a fist around his throat and breath in his face.

        Kiri knew it wasn't real, that it had never been real, but it didn't matter. His reactions were the same--actually, somehow, they had gotten worse. Christ, it had been years. He should be over this by now. Hell, he hadn't had an attack like this in years, why--

        A low thump sounded through his head and he forced himself to open his eyes, reminding himself that he was in a room full of unfamiliar people. He couldn't panic here, even though he wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball to protect himself. They typically had trouble breaking him out of a ball, but that was when the pain would start.

        Mina was in front of him, having asked him a question that he didn't hear. His quirk had activated without his permission again, a defense to protect his ears from the sounds that seeped into his head. She'd tapped on his ears when he didn't respond, her eyes showing the concern that she hid from their classmates.

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