Christmas Special- Karaoke?

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I think we know where this is going, though this one's short. And a meme and a half.
        Merry Christmas, everyone. Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, and may your night be full of cheer.

        The Bakugo's love Christmas. Every year, Mitsuki and Masaru go ask it, cooking and decorating and preparing for the annual Bakugo family dinner. Of course, Mitsuki was an only child, Masaru's oldest sister could never be bothered to visit, and his two younger sisters and their mother happened to be on an all expenses paid vacation in Bali (Masaru suspected that his family was not included because of his wife and sons temperament issues) so the house was rather quiet this year. Honestly, though, who needed family when the eggnog was the best money could buy.

        Oh, but then Mitsuki had to go and invite her son's boyfriend. And then their entire college freshman class. The house was rather loud this year.

        Katsuki was furious. Katsuki hated Christmas. Family was rude and overrated, mistletoe was absolutely pointless, the lights were too bright, the tree was too big, the garlands looked tacky, and it was always fucking freezing. Though, the eggnog was usually pretty good.

        Which didn't matter of course, since Eijiro had strictly told him that alcohol at parties was off limits since the unfortunate mishap at his birthday party. He'd growled about that for nearly an hour, since he hadn't even known the shitty punch was spiked and if he had, he wouldn't have drunk so much. But did Ei care? Absolutely not. Ei was convinced that they would die if they embarrassed the old hag at her own party, and Katsuki was having a hard time convincing him otherwise.

        So, laden with the florist's largest deep red poinsettias, because flowers, Kirishima grinned down at him before ringing the doorbell. Mitsuki answered at once, wearing the most tasteful 'ugly' sweater in the world, second maybe only to Mina, who stood right behind her. It wasn't obvious to anyone but Katsuki, but he could tell both intricate sweaters were homemade and probably hand designed, maybe a competition between the two fashionistas. While the hag's was dark red and white, Mina's was hot pink and black.

        Instead of 'hello' or anything that could be considered a normal greeting, Mitsuki turned and screamed into the house. "Masaru, pay up honey! He did it again!" With an appreciative smile, she took the flowers from the redhead and let her son inside, where he made a beeline for something, anything warm to drink before he froze over.

        The house was dim, lit by hanging Christmas lights, and very crowded. Garlands dotted the staircase and entryway, and hanging in the middle if the living room was a single string of mistletoe. Katsuki tried not to gag, noticing a couple already underneath and not caring to figure out which.

        He spotted the tray of hot chocolate by Denki and vigorously ripped off the three scarves he was wearing under his thick parka hoodie. He didn't give a shit if he looked like a giant Baymax waddling around in two coats, three scarves, a beanie and thermal underwear, he didn't want to freeze to death. Especially with that ice-shy quirk of his.

         "Dude, watch it with that stuff," Denki rushed, nearly coming in his drink. As half the mastermind behind Katsuki's birthday mishap, he knew better than anyone what happened with Katsuki and alcohol. "It's mostly--"

        Katsuki waved off the other blonde's warning and took a long drink, relishing the warmth and ignoring the bright, obnoxious, yellow, Christmas, confused-Pikachu sweater on his eccentric classmate. Fuck, that was good stuff. "Yes, I know it's mostly fucking bourbon, lay the fuck off my case before he notices, alright?"

        Denki glowered at him, carefully sipping out of his own mug but not wishing to lose a finger by trying to interfere with the volatile boy's wishes. "You have a death wish."

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