Mina Ashido & Eijiro Kirishima-Doctor's Visits

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This is so obviously a filler chapter it's not even funny. I... I tried, but I hate this chapter, written sporadically between periods of inspiration and pure writer's block. It skips around a lot, as I'm trying to cover four days between two perspectives at the same time.
This chapter was also due out yesterday, and I've been unable to access my stores of pretty flower pictures, which makes me sad.

Mina Ashido had grown bored. With the exception of learning Bakugo was deaf and realizing he was, without a doubt, the irritable explosion hero, Ground Zero, the weekend had been boring. She had spent all of Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon curled in a blanket, staring at her phone, debating and debating hard.

To tell Kiri, or not to tell Kiri, that was the question.

She ended up panicking when Kirishima called, like he did, every day, and spoke an octave higher the entire conversation. He asked her twice if she was okay. She convinced him that she had just swallowed the contents of a helium balloon.

Sunday night, she and Ochaco held an emergency conference in the pinkette's room. The brunette had driven herself crazy trying to decipher the strange cryptic looks Mina had given her all weekend. Mina called it a 'Come to Jesus' meeting. Uraraka called it madness.

They spent the better part of three hours laying it out. Uraraka even took a page out of Deku's book and wrote it all down in a notebook so that she could go over it until she understood.

Deku, they knew about. He was obvious, and he had even admitted it once with minimal pressure.

Ground Zero--Bakugo--whatever--would be much too prideful to admit it at face value, so the had to pin up strings and physically connect dots. Since Mina had never actually explained this theory to Uraraka fully, it took a long time for Ashido to explain the similarities between the blondes, from their hair to the friggin' boots that Bakugo wore everywhere he could.

This conversation met an abrupt end when Uraraka made a passing comment about Red Riot being cute and Mina had to resist the strong urge to blurt 'he's gay.'

On Monday, Ashido was late for class.

Despite being late for Aizawa's hero studies class, he didn't scold her for very long--probably because, Pinky's early morning takedown of a low-class sludge villain was still playing on the news. Bakugo must have gone to the doctor's office and gotten new hearing aids on Sunday because he seemed to be back to his usual sarcastic hostile demeanor. Coincidentally, Ground Zero made it back on his feet Monday afternoon after three days of unexplained absences, cussing like an angry sailor.

On Tuesday morning, Hanta and Denki seemed to be nursing an idea--never a good thing when it came to them. They didn't seem ready to share, so either they realized it was stupid, or were attempting to put together an intricate plan.

A truck showed up that afternoon and was instantly surrounded by curious students, quickly pegged as the truck filled with Kirishima's things. Kaminari offered to help the moving men carry boxes inside, mainly so he could go through the new guy's things.

Wednesday--Wednesday was interesting. First off, a poor third-year girl's quirk had gone crazy in the middle of the night, collapsing the south wing of the school and tearing up the courtyard on accident. No one was hurt, but classes were canceled the next day so that the school could be repaired.

And Wednesday was when Hanta and Denki revealed their idea.

... ... ...

"Uh, E, H, four... M, potato shape... coffee mug shape... smudge, smudge, middle finger, smudge--the rest are all smudges," Denki grinned, removing a spoon from over his eye while the doctor gave him a concerned look.

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