Katsuki Bakugo-A Beauty and a Beat

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Oh, so this dumb app gave me a full-on heart attack for like a week. I could not for the life of me figure out why it glitched every time I tried to add a new chapter. It would take me to the 'view as reader' portion, and a little window would pop up in the corner like 'A story cannot contain more than 25 tags,' and I'm sitting here going, "What the fuck? Ew, no. I mean, I know I'm at the tag limit, but I didn't add any. Did you shorten it, bitch?" So I went and counted my tags and came up at 26. Which I thought was weird.
        Turns out, Wattpad has a new read-aloud audio function for a select number of books and A Flower's Affection happened to make the cut. As such, it was force-mandated a new tag--which means that I spent a week panicking over nothing, and then had to kill one of my normal tags.
        And I can't remember which one.

        A week passed, and Katsuki healed. He was suspended from patrolling for a few days to reduce his stress levels--though it was all a moot fucking point two days later because apparently, Eijiro had this instinct of running through buildings and shit and dislocated his right shoulder in the dumbest, most avoidable way possible. Denki had been there as a witness and his dumb stun glasses even videoed the whole shitshow as the known villain Magne used her gender-magnetism quirk to pinball the redhead between two buildings until she got bored and dropped him. He was lucky that his only injury was the dislocated shoulder.

        Why? Because he'd called her manly. Or, actually, Eijiro had said 'that's not very manly, bro,' and she'd flipped on him.

        But Katsuki supposed he had to be nice. So even if he hit his dumb, well-meaning, himbo boyfriend with his spoon every five seconds and explained that the woman was dysphoric about how she was perceived, he still fed him for two days because the idiot was hopeless with his left arm. How someone so graceful could be so simultaneously uncoordinated and clumsy still astounded Katsuki.

        He also put up with Denki wiggling his eyebrows with a death wish and Hanta giving a sagely sigh every time he spoke because Mina thought both were extremely funny and made Katsuki very angry. According to Hanta, it was 'fun to see you kids getting together' and Denki was 'so proud.' Katsuki wanted to strangle them.

        Speaking of his dumbasses, they ironically seemed to be the only ones with brain cells. The others had noticed nothing, and Katsuki wasn't known for being very subtle. Hell, the entire class had witnesses Katsuki, his new boyfriend, and the rest of the squad settle in for a movie night last night--Mina had insisted on The Notebook, because, cheesy romance--and Glitter-Fuck had the audacity to hit on his boyfriend with Katsuki sitting in the man's lap.

        Granted, Glitter-Fuck flirted with everyone, but come the fuck on.

        Trudging down the stairs early Sunday morning, he was still salty about it. He was looking forward to a lazy hour or two, watching T.V, hopefully with Ei--

        Oh great. The idiots were up.

        "Morning, Baku-GoGo-Bro!" Denki greeted from his usual seat, enthusiastic, but quiet. Hanta looked up from the couch beside him and offered a wave.

        Katsuki growled without heat, his eye twitching. He was too tired to put forth much energy, but luckily, Dead-Eyes had left a gift in the kitchen. "Which one of you idiots is cooking breakfast?" He asked as he sank into the far side of the couch with a cup of hot coffee.

        Denki snorted and sipped on a glass of orange juice. "Kirishima," he smirked. "But we have no groceries, so they went shopping."

        Katsuki hummed. "You let him go shopping?"

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now