Eijiro Kirishima-Thief

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The events of this chapter take place during/after/before-ish the last chapter. Have fun!

         Being shot in the chest wasn't fun the first time. Being shot in the ass wasn't any better, and neither was having to explain to his best friend (so that he wouldn't have to explain it directly to his boyfriend) why he was ass up in the hospital.

        Nurse Shuzenji glared at him for having to treat him the second time that day and for waking her up at three something in the morning, muttering darkly about how he was becoming as bad as Midoriya. Eijiro thought that stretched the truth a bit, but he wasn't about to argue with the angry lady that made him sleepy.

        But now, dismissed to his room, he sat on the edge of his bed, massaging his palms. It was relaxing. It quelled the itching. Exhaustion pulled on him from Shuzenji's quirk, but sleep evaded him.

        He was angry with himself. He knew he shouldn't have broken his arm at wrestling practice, but he couldn't stand the thought of being pinned in that headspace. He'd been afraid of snapping, panicking, hurting someone, but he should've just talked to Aizawa. Aizawa already knew he had problems, had from the first day of school, and even if he didn't know what those were, he should've let Eijiro sit out anyway.

        But Eijiro hadn't asked. He'd instead decided to get his arm broken. On purpose. He hadn't broken a bone since Katsuki's Howitzer incident during his exam. But he'd been scared and so he hadn't thought. He'd posted against the mat as Shoji tried to flip them, felt the pain build, and then his humerus snapped in half. Of course, it was painful, extremely so, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He wanted out of that room, and he chose the fastest route.

        Eijiro sighed, pushing hair out of his face. He reached over for his bandana, pulling it back. Sometimes his skin crawled for no reason, and when that happened, he hated his hair getting in his eyes. He knew he could just cut it, but he liked it long and fearsome like this. It was something about himself he felt he could control.

        Then again, so has been keeping himself from breaking. Wonderful record ya broke today, Red. Good job. What was that? A three-year streak, down the drain?

        Eijiro growled in frustration at his empty room. On cue, his alarm rang for him to start the day. Fantastic. Another sleepless night. At least he'd gotten a good eight hours the night before.

        But the good thing about a Friday class meant that there was no hero training, which meant no combat, no high stress, and nothing that could possibly set him off today. He just needed a day to relax. To reset. And a day without Professor Aizawa sounded like a great idea.

        Usually, he saw Katsuki first thing in the morning, and that was usually good for him, but seeing as he was ready to go to school now since he'd never taken off his uniform, he figured he'd be the definition of a lazy bum. Katsuki would be smart enough to know he hadn't gotten any sleep, and Eijiro wasn't up for that conversation yet. So, he made his way down to the commons alone.

        And when he arrived, he found Denki and Midoriya lounged on the couch, playing video games way too early.

        "Oh!" Midoriya noticed him and his judgment first from where he laid upside down on the cushions, jamming his fingers on to buttons. "Hey, you're up early."

        Eijiro swallowed, a hand pulling in the back of his neck. "Y-yeah, well, y'know. Early hero..." Midoriya raised an eyebrow at him, so he let the analogy die. "Anyway, what are you guys doing ready so early?"

        Denki giggled. Midoriya hit his shin lightly. "Surprised you didn't feel it, but somebody had a static attack at two a.m. this morning."

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