Eijiro Kirishima--I Have Work

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When you became so consumed by the thought of updating last week that you complete forget that Momo Yaoyorozu has decided to get stuck in a villain encounter and wasn't in class. Haha, stick it, pLoT.

        Oh, Kiri would have loved to have crashed onto his bed in his dorm at the conclusion if his first real day of school. It took him point five seconds after the bell rang to end literature (which mostly sucked, but at least they didn't have homework) to realize that he'd left his shop (mostly) unattended for an entire day.

        All other rationale left his mind at the moment of this realization, and he booked it from the room, Mina's laughter following him down the corridor. He trusted that Tamaki, Shinso, and Uraraka wouldn't have burned the building down, but the worry still plagued him, creating new scenarios in his head, each worse than the last. Tomorrow was Wednesday--deliveries came on Wednesdays, but only if the orders had been placed no later than mid-Monday, and Kiri had been unconscious mid-Monday. If the store ran out of flowers they would miss profits and then he wouldn't be able to pay the mortgage and Chivalrous Arrangements would go bankrupt and then three-and-a-half years of his life would be totally down the drain and--

        His phone buzzed in his pocket as he left the school grounds, forcing him to answer on the run. "Good morning, I'm running late, how can I help you today?"

        "I can see that you're running--you ran out of class." Mina's joking tone cut through his panic faster than Ingenium could scold a wayward criminal. His place slowed to a mere jog, and he noticed that running in his school shoes was probably not the best idea. "I am calling strictly to tell you to chill the fuck out because I know you and I know you're freaking out over nothing. Ochaco would have told you if the store exploded yesterday and Tamaki knows how to handle things. Your store is fine. Your flowers are fine. You will be fine when you calm down and breathe."

        His nerves were still on fire, understandably, but she made a great point. "Is... is that literally the only reason you called?"

        "Yep. Oh, and Denki and Sero really want to know where you went, but Bakugo and I are keeping them at bay and well away from your precious delicate babies, m'kay?"

        "Thanks, Mina." He gulped, forcing himself to breathe. "Not really comfortable with them invading my workspace just yet."

        She snorted. "Who is? Sometimes I--... Iida, what the hell are you on about now? I-- you know what Iida, yes, I'm buying drugs. Can you pick up a box of blunts while you're out, love?"

        Kiri laughed, uneasily going along with her charade amidst enthusiastic cheers and shrieks of indignation. "Of course, dear. Six or twelve?"

         "I'm sure two dozen will be enough for anyone who wants to try. You sure this is the good stuff?"

        "I'm positive," the redhead assured, turning the corner and letting it a relieved breath when he caught sight of his familiar storefront. The flowers or front looked like they'd been watered, a good sign. "I'll bring a box by when I come back after work. Anyone is welcome to one, and if Aizawa asks, it's perfectly legal, you don't get high, and it will probably help Sero chill out."
        "See you later, Kiri. Oh, and Iida is probably going to need two to get him off this coronary he's having on the floor--get up, drama queen, you're being embarrassing."

        "Bye, Pinks." He slipped his phone back into his pocket and pushed through the door, noticing that Tamaki was busy at the register and Shinso was probably in the back room. The florist raised his arms above his head in a stretch, breathing in the familiar, relaxing, floral scented air he'd worked with for years. "Ah, it's good to be home."

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