Katsuki Bakugo-Smoking Tea

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Hey, guys, this is where I tell you not to do drugs ("unless it's steroids. In that case do lots of drugs!"(ignore my dumb SAO Abridged, okay?)) but they're not doing drugs anyways. Roses are nicotine free (though, unfortunately, like all plants, they produce tar when they burn,) Kiri used all-natural, edible ingredients, and while smoking roses indeed produces a happy feeling that therefore decreases stress and counteracts depression, there is no high.
        As Iida has clearly stated: "smoking is not healthy!"
(Also, I say this from growing up in Texas, a state in the U.S. where marijuana is still very much illegal. Don't do drugs, Texans.)
        This chapter is not promoting the use of any harmful substances. Many articles regard even herbal cigarettes to be training wheels to real ones, and some may pose even greater threats to your health if you aren't careful. All the characters are at least older than nineteen, which makes them "responsible" adult consumers.
        This chapter is meant to be funny. This chapter is also meant to get Iida's head out of his ass.

        Bakugo yawned loudly at the television, communicating his extreme boredom while briefly wondering what kind of crap Deku was going to try to make for dinner. He was sick of these stupid losers tip-toeing around the damn nerd--his cooking sucked ass, and if no one else was going to say anything, he'd probably get the message when Bakugo threw the shitty food at his shit face. Hell, the blonde was almost at the point of wanting to simply take over and cook the fucking meal himself.

        Most of the dorm was gathered near him in the common room, crowding around the couch to watch the news report with notebooks propped open on their knees or sprawled on the coffee table. It was the third time they had replayed the news footage since class had let out hours ago, and Bakugo was confident that his notes were detailed enough now.

        The screen was now showing the villain being led away in handcuffs, Pro-Hero Creati smiling candidly for the reporters and answering their constant stream of questions as politely as possible, but she looked exhausted. The battle, which had started as a natural disaster rescue from a sinkhole and had quickly evolved into something much more dangerous, had lasted almost eight hours, and she was the only hero of the two dozen on scene that didn't require immediate medical treatment. A few magically floating chunks of concrete betrayed the presence of Uravity, but the other hero hadn't been caught on camera, so Bakugo guessed she had passed by in casual and briefly lent a hand.

        Coincidentally, Big-Tits was missing from the common room, just as she'd been missing from class earlier that day. She'd returned to the dorms an hour ago, completely out of it, been ambushed by Earphones, dodged Glasses' interrogation on her absence from class, tiredly asked Bird-Boy to write notes for her, and requested that Frog-Legs wake her up when dinner was ready. Sound that time,a few of their other dorm mates had decided that good notes weren't worth another few hours of their shit lives had retreated to the privacy of their own rooms (the irritable Pomeranian could hear Sparkles' loud music from here.)

        Bakugo wondered how no one else fucking noticed that she was showing clear symptoms of her quirk fatigue: loss in energy, loss of outgoing personality, and more noticeably, loss in weight. Fucking idiots--he couldn't possibly be the only person in their entire class to be even the slightest bit suspicious.

        Emo-bangs had followed 3D-Printer to her room; maybe she knew.

        "Uraraka, no!"

        Quirks fired from startled surprise and most of the room jumped to attention as the brunette burst loudly through the doors, giggling madly like the fucking lunatic she secretly was. She slammed the door behind her and someone slammed into it, needing a moment to reorient themselves and open the door. "Todoroki!" She squealed desperately. "Quick, I need a favor."

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