Katsuki Bakugo-Training

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        First things first...

        I got you guys, didn't I?"

        Congratulations to @Silver5tike @sparksfly56 & @writerwithanxiety for being the first to figure it out and call me on it.
        Happy April Fools everyone. The last chapter was a belated joke. It will probably be referenced as deja vu or a bad dream, but, as you all can now see, all the characters are still alive, and very happy about it. Say hi to Bakubaby.

        ⚠On a more serious note, this chapter has light violence and mention of attempted suicide. Don't worry, I'm not killing anyone this time.⚠

         Bakugo, once again, was pissed. It was Friday. All things considered, that was probably a good thing. Friday's were good days to blow off his shitty unneeded rage.

        He stomped down the stairs into the common room after classes, dressed for training, a heavy black duffel bag leashed to his shoulder. For once, he wasn't wearing his boots out of the classrooms. He scanned the room, noticing with irritation the lack of a certain shitty green-haired fucking loser, and started for the front door. "FUCKING DEKU!" He screamed, his voice booming through the dorms and startling Invisi-bitch and Fur-Face off the couch. "LET'S GO! I WON'T FUCKING WAIT FOR YOU."

        The green streak of lightning fucking bolted down the stairs, meeting the explosive blonde by the door. "All ready to go, Kacchan!" He beamed. He bounced with excitement, his own red duffel swinging wildly.

        Bakugo growled back at him as the two started down the front steps, headed for the campus gyms. The happy-go-lucking two o'clock sun fucking smiled down on them as they crossed the courtyard, the path lined with bushes and trees and benches and creating a beautiful scenery for them--Deku, at least--to enjoy. For the past two months, Fridays had become the pair's agreed-upon days to practice and train with each other. Deku could spar full force against Bakugo (because the blonde would be insulted by anything less) and Bakugo had an excuse to beat the shit out of Deku weekly.

        Both of them would deny this, but they also tended to scream feelings at each other.

        When they reached the gyms, they both headed straight for 'their corner', laid out with weights and wrestling mats for the two to use to their hearts' contents. On Fridays, even the upperclassmen avoided it, choosing to steer clear of the two crazy first years. Occasionally, someone would wander into their area (one third-year from general studies trying to claim they couldn't monopolize the whole corner, an unsuspecting first-year stretching, and a cocky second-year that thought challenging Bakugo would be a good idea) and would leave battered and bruised, their ego crushed, and their peers taunting them.

        "Anything you wanna talk about?" Shit-Face started as he began stretching. He adjusted the compressive braces around his knees and elbows meant to protect his fragile bones and joints and deposited his duffle bag next to a rack of weights. The bag made a heavy, metal noise as it hit the floor that both boys ignored.

        Bakugo snarled, rolling out kinks in his back and resisting the urge to throw his bag. "Fucking, no."  He snapped, setting the duffle down gently and carefully adjusting the dial on his hearing aids enough to tune out the background. Their fights tended to get pretty loud, and the aids would start ringing if he didn't turn down their sensitivity. Years of explosions had rendered him nearly deaf in both ears, and the blonde hated having to depend on them. "Why the fuck would I want to talk to you?" 

        Deku shrugged and merely waited. "You seemed pretty uptight in class this morning," he pointed out. "Did something happen this morning while you were out?"

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