Eijiro Kirishima - Ring the Bells

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        Eijiro tore his eyes off the buildings passing by the window, finding Katsuki glancing at him while managing to keep a large chunk of his focus on the road. Eijiro had reevaluated how he defined Katsuki's driving level. Not safe, but definitely skilled. Ei couldn't really drive himself, so it was difficult to assess his boyfriend, but they hadn't died yet, so it must have been okay.

        Katsuki's free hand settled on his black-clad knee, forcing Ei to notice his own tense posture and nervous, clenched muscles. He'd gone for a business casual look, black slacks and a loose button-down, wanting to impress without looking stuffy. Katsuki hadn't done the same, but Eijiro suspected that the clean non-profane t-shirt and unripped jeans were the nicest he was going to get right now.  "Relax. It's just a venue check."

        Eijiro forced himself to nod, squeezing down the churning anxiety. They were fine, everything was fine, everything would still be fine in an hour. Katsuki's hand gave his knee a reassuring squeeze. Ei set his own over it, just in case Katsuki decided to move it.

        But then he turned back to the window, watching the buildings pass and catching the mirage of his own spiky-haired reflection on the glass. Chiba. It had to be Chiba. Of course, it did. There was the brick stoned academy he and Mina used to go to school at. The fairground that used to have a park but had since been turned into a tennis court. The sweet shop that Mina claimed had the best assortment of licorice, which Eijiro couldn't stand, but he liked their saltwater taffies.

        But Chiba had gorgeous beaches, and Miko had found a stunning little cove on the shoreline that was privately owned and booked it for the venue. The wedding would take place on the beach, but the reception and dining tables had been tucked away into the tree line. Whoever's idea it was, they had strung the palms and oaks with white sheets of lace and tulle. Now all that remained to be finished were Eijiro and his team of friends and flowers.

        Katsuki squeezed his knee again, trying to get his attention back. "Eiji? What's wrong? Tell me where your head's at."

        Eijiro pulled in a breath through his nose and scrubbed a hand down his face, tearing his eyes back off the city. The sooner they got to the beach, the better. "It's nothing," he promised. "I just... Mina and I grew up here. I haven't seen it in a long time."

        Katsuki's eyes cut to him, an intense three seconds off the road that showed he was listening and concerned. They flicked back to the road, because Katsuki wasn't an idiot, but the blonde's hand moved in slow circles around his lower thigh. "Is there anywhere we need to avoid?"

        He understood. Because he listened. And he loved him. So he cared. Eijiro needed this, needed him.

        Be honest, he reminded himself. "Just stay off of Deiban. Please."

        Katsuki hummed. He tapped absently against Eijiro's thigh. "At the next red light, I'm giving you a kiss," he decided.

        Ei blinked, startled out of his haze so the words could process a second time. "Huh?"

        "You heard me."

        He flushed. "Y-you—Kat, you can't just say stuff like that!"

       "Yes, I can." Katsuki argued smugly. "It's my right as your boyfriend. Clearly, you have never been romanced."

        Boyfriend, there was that word again. The one that made him all fluttery and damnit, now he wanted a kiss. "Well, how am I supposed to know? I'm not prepared for this; I thought we established that."

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