Mina Ashido- 'Helping'

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So, yesterday, a gorgeous work of art came in the mail for Wish.
        I got a Deku hoodie.

        "This friend of yours," Tenya Iida started as they walked, "how did you two meet?"

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        "This friend of yours," Tenya Iida started as they walked, "how did you two meet?"

        Mina huffed, making her irritation painfully obvious. The overprotective class representative had insisted on walking her to the flower shop after their last class of the day, clearly not trusting this new 'potentially violent' boy they'd never seen before. They'd changed into more casual clothing, and after a brief lecture on the pinkette's short-shorts, set off to go meet Kiri, and he was slowing her down an absurd amount. "God damn, Mom," she growled. "We've been best friends since freaking middle school-- he isn't some random guy I met on the internet or anything."

        "Oh," he relaxed quite a bit, causing Mina to roll her eyes. As if she even needed his protection, with her strong quirk and reflexes honed from her hero experience (not that Iida knew about that), and big, strong, 'manly' Kirishima could probably lay the speedster on his ass with one hand. "So, what does he do? For a living, I mean."

        "He's a florist," she replied. "Actually, he owns Chivalrous Arrangements, just around the block down here. He's pretty damn good with flowers, too. He likes meeting new people and I swear he's impossible to not love."

        "He owns the business?" Iida asked in surprise. "That's quite impressive. How old is he?"

        "Nineteen, like most of us." Iida's relaxing had calmed Mina as well, and she could now respond to his questions without snapping at him. "The shop was a responsibility given to him by his father, and it does pretty well most days, but it's not enough to fund his dreams."

        "His dreams? What does he want to do?"

        Mina sighed as they rounded the corner. "He wants to attend UA--he's wanted to for years--but his parents won't pay the way, he won't give up his business, and we both know that UA's scholarship programs are practically given out at random. He doesn't think he has a chance."

        "That is a pity," the class rep sighed, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "He doesn't know any alumni either, does he?"

        "Well there's me, but I don't qualify--I checked," she growled bitterly. "We have to be at least third years before we can sign one of those forms. He knows Tamaki Amajiki from 3A, but I don't know if he'd be willing to sign for him, and Kirishima would never ask. Not everyone has great big brothers that will pave the way for him."

        "Family is not allowed to--"

        "Oh, of course not," Mina retracted sarcastically, "he just got one of his classmates to sign it for you." Iida's ears reddened, and she knew she'd caught him. "Other people are just lucky, and happen to meet alumni while in America, but Kiri never travels. He hardly ever even leaves his store."

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