Bakugo's Surprise

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This 'holiday special' is dedicated to Tamaki_Anxiety, most of my brilliant inspiration.

        Birthdays at UA College are... Special. At least, birthdays for the reputably crazy Class 1A are special. Birthdays for class 1A... Are planned by Mina.

        Especially this birthday.

        You see, Mina loves birthdays. All birthdays. Parties in general, really. Anything fun and exciting would eventually pass by the pretty pink queen. Kirishima had been through a few of her surprises himself, so he thought he was prepared.

        What Kiri didn't account for was that they were children then. Mina had spent four years in America growing up and growing increasingly more unpredictable. And the unpredictable Princess Bubblegum throwing a surprise birthday for the unpredictable Angry Pomeranian Fire Lord? Well... The fact that she conscripted the rest of the Bakusquad to help her said enough.

        In short, Kirishima was not prepared, and he figured that out very quickly.

        The common room was very dark when he got downstairs, but it was also very bright. The colored strobe lights came and went in bright flashes of blinding agony through the hazy smoke. Hanta and Denki were smoking, of course. Iida had been tricked into drinking rum punch. 1B had been invited. And 1C. A few third years, even. Everyone on campus, really, and most of them were in varying states of buzz and drunk.

        The redhead himself was sober. Sober and in a state of pure panic.

        He couldn't find his boyfriend.

        It was dark. There was alcohol--lots of alcohol. And Kirishima had lost track of his boyfriend.

        "Midoriya!" He grabbed the only other sober person in the room by his collar to get his attention, whisper-yelling frantically. "Have you seen Bakugo? I've been looking for him everywhere."

        His green eyes widened. "You lost Bakugo?"

        "I went upstairs for five minutes to finish his present," Kiri hissed. "I come back downstairs and he's disappeared and I can't find him anywhere."

        "The last time Kacchan got lost, he destroyed half a shopping mall," Midoriya hissed. "Now he's lost and probably drunk."

        "Okay, I'm already panicking, and you're not helping."

        "We need to find him before he kills someone."

        "Find who?" Kaminari but in.

        "Yeah, who's lost?" Sero giggled, his eyes bloodshot.

        "Oh, my god, guys, it's a Monday," Midoriya scolded at their high.

        Todoroki came out of nowhere, slinging his arm around Deku's shoulders, a bottle dangling from his fingers and his cheeks blushing pink. "I bet they lost Bakugo," he cackled, a huge grin playing at his lips. "I watched him down half the punch bowl half an hour ago."

        "He what?!" Kirishima freaked, pushing his fingers into his hair.

        "That must've been after he stole one of my cigarettes," Sero poured, his mood taking a sudden dive. Tears began welling in his eyes, and he sniffled. "He stole my favorite cigarette."

        "Bakugo put your shirt back on!" Someone screamed across the room.

        Kirishima took off through the crowd in that direction, shoving drunk teenagers out of the way without a care in the world. He found Monoma, Aoyama, and Jiro, the two blondes laughing while the punk girl blushed furiously. She was a bit of a prude.

        "Where'd he go?" The redhead demanded.

        "The shirtless jackass went that way," Monoma chuckled, gesturing vaguely. Aoyama giggled, glancing at the hyperventilating girl and faking a swoon to tease her.

        Kiri didn't stick around, but soon found himself once again hopelessly lost in the sea of kids. Holy crap, I lost my boyfriend.


        The redhead swiveled at the familiar call and almost had a heart attack. Katsuki Bakugo stood on the kitchen bar, in full view of the entire room, shirtless, clearly drunk out of his mind, a tie knotted around his forehead and one of those plastic cone party hats strapped to his wild hair. What worried the redhead was that there were two empty bottles in his hands and he looked like he was about to fall.

        "This is for the loser that said being gay wasn't a choice." He threw one of the empty bottles through the crowd, narrowly avoiding Shoto Todoroki. The room instantly silenced. "You're right!" He cackled.

        Oh, no.

        "Being gay isn't a choice; it's a competition and I'm winning--have you seen my boyfriend!?"

        He pointed.

        The drunk ass pointed at him, instantly putting him on the spot for every curious gaze in the room.

        Kirishima swallowed. "B-Bakugo..." He forced out. "We haven't told them about that yet."

        The blonde swooned, the impish grin falling. "Why the fuck not?"

        "YOU'RE DATING!?!"

        Kiri chuckled nervously. "That's why."

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