Mina Ashido- I Missed You

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When you start going to Tumblr (actually, that's from PicsArt) for all your chapter art because Google won't give you what you want, and even then you can't find it because apparently no one wants to draw a cute Mina Ashido in a goddamn flower crown. Please, for the love of God, I have a mini-trend to uphold here. (On the other hand, I have found tons of cute new Bakugo pics and have discovered that by googling 'mina ashido flowers' images, A Flower's Affection is approximately search-result #5,000, with an embedded link to this book. Yay?)

        Mina Ashido sat on the couch in the dorm's common area, staring at the cell in her hands, worrying at her lip while she debated whether or not to dial the number on her screen. She shouldn't--it was seven-thirty in the morning, she had to be in class in a half an hour, she was surrounded by most of her classmates, and he was probably still mad at her.

        Her vision blurred, and hurriedly she wiped away the tears. This was stupid--they were best friends! Just pick up the phone and fucking call! Why did it have to be so difficult? She and Kiri had never been even mildly upset with one another for more than six hours, and now they were both thoroughly pissed at each other and wouldn't even admit why. That breakfast after their fight had been tense and nearly silent, neither willing to apologize or admit wrong. Her dormmates had noticed the change in her bubbly personality--she'd become sour within a day and had begun dragging huge soft blankets with her to class. Oh, and the ice cream. She had started eating way too much ice cream. Even now she had a spoon in her mouth and a half-eaten gallon container of orange sherbert in her lap.

        She'd seen him as his alter-ego on the news report this morning while she and Kaminari were blowing up the microwave (Iida hadn't been in the dorms, so they received no scolding for this). They'd filmed him saving Ground Zero's ass from a water-quirk user, though the prideful blonde hero would most definitely deny that the redhead had helped at all. Mina wondered how he had felt, meeting his long-time crush up-close like that. Had he been giddy and stammering? Had he blown it off and ignored it? Or maybe his new attraction to the blonde customer he couldn't stop talking about had negated all attraction.

        Her finger hovered over the button. How would she start off? An apology? Should she make him laugh first? Break the ice? Maybe try a bad pick-up line--it had worked before. She had to do something. What kind of a coward just stared at their phone for an hour without--

        It buzzed. The screen went dark as it loaded the caller ID, and she only glanced at the flash of red on the picture. "Guys, shut up!" She snapped at her dormmates before she answered, startling them all into silence. Nearly a week of quiet snaps and this is what she shouts at them? "Kirishima!" She bubbled into the phone. "I was just debating whether or not to call you."

        She heard his tired sigh, could almost see his strained smile. "God, it feels so good to hear from you again Mina. It's only been a few days and already you've missed so much. I've been dying to call you." Uraraka grinned, recognizing the voice, and perched herself on the arm of the couch to listen.

        Ashido laughed, leaning back against the couch cushions. "I've missed a lot? How about what you've missed? There's so much I need to tell you!"

        "You first then," he relented. "I need a good distraction anyway."

        Mina grinned, preparing to unleash her onslaught of drama. The others moved closer to the couch, curious as to why their sulky friend suddenly seemed back to her cheery self. "So, Bakugo decided to be violent with flowers--something called a 'fuck you' bouquet, according to Denki--" she heard the derisive snort on the other end of the line and guessed he must know what that was, "then he came in one day cussing about old ladies. I've never been so concerned about an old woman's life like I was when he went to town on the punching bag in the gym because damn that guy can really go at it. One of the third years was caught eating flowers, apparently not for the first time, a couple of them got involved in some fight over a few harmless flirts or something, we're getting a new kid in our class, several girls in my class laughed at a shirtless guy and had to go back and apologize--this happened before we stopped talking but I don't think I told you. Apparently he was really cute and super buff, but it's not like it mattered because all of them are gay anyway. Midoriya actually knows a few dark jokes, bless his little soul, and Todoroki set off the fire alarm--again--on the day of a test, but something happened and they strip-searched the entire building and Bakugo was super pissed about it and none of us got any sleep. He's actually been dressing up and sneaking out more--I think he's got a crush or something. Or, maybe, he's arranging for Deku to be sold on the black market--we'd never know."

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now