Katsuki Bakugo-Static Tremors

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Welcome back—
I know my break was long, and thank you all for your continued support of this story. Living without it and you all for the past four months has been some of the hardest of my life. I went through some of the most stressful emotional bullshit a young healthy American can go through—combat training.
I also moved out. Bought my own phone. Have a steady income. Got to see more of my country. Fell in love, I think. My relationship with my family is recovering, slowly. And now, I get to get back to writing.

Fair warning now: This chapter is entirely unsafe for the more reserved among us... That is to say, it's smutty... Very smutty. The whole thing. So, for those that would rather prefer not to read it—go read the next one! You'll miss nothing. Well... nothing important... ish. I felt they both would get some good character growth from this new experience though, so I decided to write it in detail even so.

Enjoy! Or—SKIP!

Eijiro Kirishima was never one to do things half assed. Katsuki knew this after the way he demolished their apprehension test, and again at their date at the carnival when he insisted, determined against the odds to make sure Katsuki had fun. He may stumble or hesitate, but he would always try his best, and he poured his heart out to the world, threw his everything into anything that he did, whether he succeeded or not.

Kissing was one of those things where throwing your everything into it was all it took to excel.

So though Katsuki didn't push him at all through the proverbial open door he'd left there, Eijiro fell anyway.

Ei let him have one breath between passionate kisses and pulling him up to get his shirt off his back, but Katsuki wouldn't have complained about this for the world. Not with Eijiro's warm hands spread across flat across his bare skin, completely unburdened. He found a steady place to hold around Eijiro's shoulders, and though everything was spinning Katsuki managed to push the other boy's shirt down to his elbows. His fingers found a bicep and he squeezed, relishing the give of the muscle while the other snaked across his back to pull him closer. Eijiro's hand got onto his head, craning Katsuki's neck first for a deeper kiss and then for the opportunity to trail wet, open mouthed kisses down the most sensitive line of his throat. Katsuki whined, and even he wasn't sure whether it was because of the absence on his lips or the hot pleasure licking down his spine.

Getting pulled in had put Katsuki right in Eijiro's lap, what seemed like such a familiar position now, but he curled a fist in Eijiro's hair to keep himself there, and to keep Eijiro against him. His few moment's respite let the world stop spinning, just enough that he could tail one slender finger down Eijiro's chest.

Eijiro noticed, slowing his kisses to pepper the bottom of Katsuki's jaw, panting heavily against his skin. Katsuki had his attention. Good—that was all he needed.

Katsuki let him catch his breath before his fingers trailed all the way down, stopped by a buckle and dark denim. He kissed Eijiro's temple, his nose buried in the peeking black roots of his bangs, and found the clasp easily. He had to do things like this carefully, he'd learned. Slower was best, especially with anything new, and he had to make sure Eijiro was aware of what he wanted to do. It did neither of them any good for Eijiro to startle.

Eijiro only hummed into the crook of his shoulder, the slight rumble sending vibrations down Katsuki's spine. Katsuki loved that fucking feeling, feeling triumphant when he tilted Eijiro's chin up for another kiss. He leaned forward into Eijiro, surprised when the other didn't fall back under his weight like he'd expected and the bigger male countered in turn. And now suddenly Katsuki was on his back again, half laid across the pillows at the front of the bed and half caught in the net of Eijiro's arms.

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