Eijiro Kirishima-mINA

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Thought this one wouldn't need a warning, but then I kept writing. You all know what I'm implying. And believe me, I'm surprised I'm posting again so soon too.

He found her in the dining room. "Hey, I need to talk to you."

Mina grumbled through her food, Uraraka giggling at them from her other side. "Can I finish my breakfast first?"

Eijiro grabbed her elbow, tugging her out of her chair. "Absolutely not, let's go."

That only made her grumbling louder as he dragged her away from the table and out the dormitory door. Uraraka waved goodbye and Tokoyami cast them judgmental looks while muttering about fools' plans, or some crap. "Kiri, come on, it's a Thursday. You—where are your shoes? And your tie?" She sighed at him. "Babes, you can't go to school looking like this. You haven't even done your hair—and you're going the wrong way."

Eijiro ducked back into the building to grab his uniform shoes, conceding that she had a point on that one. "I have extra stuff in my locker, I just—I need—"

Mina dug her heels into the ground, pumping the brakes on him with surprising strength, and turned him to glare up at him. "Kirishima. What's the matter?"

The truth made his tongue go numb and his lips feel tingly, so his explanation came out as an incoherent bubble.

Mina's eyes narrowed. "Kiri, did Katsuki do something?"

Yes. It washed over him again like a summer wave; Katsuki's arms around him, his hands in his hair, falling asleep to his boyfriend's heartbeat, and Katsuki's whispered words against his ear.

But his silence only concerned Mina. "Stay right here," she growled, turning on her heel and shrugging his hand off her arm. "I'll be right back."

Oops. "Mina!" He grabbed at her again pulling her back. "That's not—"

"Oh, come on. I just want to have a friendly talk—"

"Katsuki said he loves me."

She stopped. Eijiro let her go. She looked back at him slowly, re-examining his body language with those keen eyes of hers. "He... he did?"

Eijiro grinned at her, bouncing from foot to foot. "Katsuki said he loves me," he said again, more to himself this time. Every time it just sounded better and better and better. "Katsuki loves me."

Mina squealed, happy for him and loud about showing it, wishing him into a congratulatory hug. "Kiri! What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, I just—"

"You what?" The excitement drained from her and she let him go to hold him at arms length, her tone suddenly flat.

Eijiro cocked his head, confused. "I said I—"

"No no," She held up a hand, "I heard you. I just... You what?"

"I... didn't say anything..?"

Mina slapped a hand against the middle of his chest, the highest point she could reach. "Do me a favor and lean down so I can smack the shit out of your stupid head."


"I don't want to hear it, sir, wallow in angry silence until we get to class." She grumbled lowly, marching away. "I swear to God, you are in so much trouble."

Eijiro whined. That hadn't exactly gone the way he thought it would. "What did I even do?"

"It's what you didn't do. Seriously? You said nothing to him? Like, you could have said no or be the dick that says thanks, but you just said nothing? What the hell, Kiri?"

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now