Katsuki Bakugo

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        He was going to do it. When that damned Icy-Hot insulted him so creatively during that fight, Katsuki Bakugo was going to do it.

        Shota Aizawa, the fucking campus dean, warned the explosive college student to 'play nice' and 'not kill anyone,' so Bakugo thought of a wonderful alternative. He would insult his classmates in the most heinous, underhanded, colorful way imaginable. So, after classes ended for the day, he set out to buy a bunch of flowers.

        His grand plan was to walk into class the next day and hand it over to the half-and-half bastard--that useless trash can grape, too--and he was going to do it. Whack them both across the face with it, even.

        Who was he kidding? He couldn't do it. He knew that from the moment he walked into the florist's and his fucking gay little heart started pounding away. Honestly, so what if the shitty-haired clerk was sun-tanned and muscular and attractive? So what if he had an adorable toothy smile and long eyelashes and huge, rough, hands.  

        Even better, just a glance had set Bakugo's gaydar pinging away, honing in on everything the clerk did or touched. The way he smiled, the way he drummed his fingers against the counter, the way he pouted when he thought. Not to mention, the way he'd reacted when Bakugo flirted with him. Bakugo just knew. That cute redhead clerk was most definitely, without a single doubt, one hundred percent gay. Gay for the one and only Katsuki Bakugo.

        Unless he wasn't.

        Bakugo's gaydar had been wrong once before, but, to be fair, the girl was literally covered in pink and rainbows and had moms. She also seemed to live vicariously through setting her friends up in gay relationships.

        But that wouldn't happen again.

        So, when Bakugo got back to his dorm room, he had a little dilemma. Here he stood, with a bundle of fucking adorable, hateful flowers, with no way to take care of them. With Bakugo's lack of experience, they'd be wilted by the end of the night. He wasn't an idiot, he knew they needed water, and he had a vase under the bathroom sink, but didn't they eat? Before, he hadn't cared, but now he wanted to keep these things alive for as long as possible.

        Unfortunately, the hellish wifi across campus had been down for a week, so the internet was going to be absolutely no fucking help with his questions.

        He broke down. Bakugo broke down and did one thing. The one fucking thing he swore he'd never do to fix his problems.

        He picked up his phone and called his mother for help.

        She picked up almost immediately. "Katsuki? You never call--what happened this time?"

        He regretted calling immediately and tried to deflect. "What do you want, old hag?" He couldn't help it--he was easy to anger, and he'd never gotten through a conversation with his mother without screaming. 

        "Hah? You called me, brat!" She screamed into the phone, so loudly that Bakugo had to hold it away from his ear.

        "Shut up and tell me how to keep flowers alive!" He roared. He had always been a very loud person, a trait he got from the hag herself.

        "You ungrateful--flowers? You were given flowers? From who?" As it may have been noticed, Bakugo was not typically a pleasant person, and the thought of someone liking him surprised even his mother.

        "No, hag! I bought the fucking flowers. Now, tell me how to keep them alive!"

        "Why would you--what kind of flowers?"

A Flower's Affection (KiriBaku Flower Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now