Eijiro Kirishima - Just a Pretty Boy

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For the people who are trying to keep going while the world feels like it's falling apart or happening to someone else. Turns out, soft happy acoustic music is pretty helpful for finding the right vibes.

Even sore and aching after the fight, Ei had to hand it to him. Endeavor?

Not an easy opponent to beat.

Even with Shoto's ice assisting his speed and his own resistance to fire, Endeavor handed their assess back to them on a silver (albeit burnt) platter. It did take him two whole hours, during which Shoto tired quickly, but the angry walking inferno wore them down and tried to send them back to class. Back to class was never going to happen though, as all three of them had to be seen by Nurse Shuzenji by the time it was over.

But oh, was the beating worth it.

To not only watch a hero that had been dealing with villains for decades, but to fight him? To experience his knowledge and necessary brutality first hand? It was a learning experience that Eijiro couldn't believe he had obtained. Endeavor and Katsuki both wielded raging fires, but where Katsuki's quirk came it in quick bursts of heat and power, Endeavor was a steady flame of concentrated fury. Colorful, too, bright oranges and yellows often cut through with bolts of blue and flickers of green.

It was one of those blue flames that caught Eijiro across the back near the end, and the scorch marks stayed even if his hardening quirk had protected him from the brunt of the heat. It took a lot out of him, and Shoto hadn't been able to react in time, weighed down by his own icicles and frostbite after a barrage of attacks kept him on defensive. It wasn't long after that Endeavor had both their asses on the concrete floor.

The number two hero hadn't come away unscathed, though. He'd split his lip on Eijiro's knuckles and Shoto—

Well, at some point, Shoto had stabbed him. Through the foot. With a giant icicle.

So it was all three of them sat together in the nurse. Which... should have been awkward. But it wasn't. Weirdly enough, the two Todoroki's fighting seemed to open the door to healthy communication—only just a crack, but it was better than nothing. As much as it must have pained him, he commended Shoto's progression with his ice techniques and Eijiro's ability to stand firm against the worst of his fires. Endeavor even got over himself enough to admit that, against a lesser opponent, Shoto probably would have won, and that the pair of young heroes made an admittedly good team.

Shoto followed it up with: "Of course we do, he's my brother. Anything less is an insult. I expect better from you, father—" and confused the fuck out of Enji Todoroki.

Not a happy ending to the class. But for now it was content to simply be at an end, and Eijiro was content to not be apart of... whatever they had going on.

After a power nap brought on by Nurse Shuzenji's quirk (which he still hated with a passion), hands on his shoulders gently shook him awake. His internal clock told him it hadn't been long, maybe an hour or two, and with mild protest he pried open his eyes to meet his angel's.

Katsuki returned the dopey smile that must have been on Eijiro's face, but the piercing in his eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "You lost," he accused fondly.

Eijiro rolled his eyes, a second set of hushed voices telling him that Izuku was there with Shoto as well. "Cut me some slack, baby. I went up against Endeavor. Winning was not the intention."

Katsuki scoffed and flicked him between the eyes, taking a seat at the edge of the nursing rack. "Idiot. Winning is always the intention." Despite his scolding tone, his fingers slid easily into Eijiro's open hand.

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