Katsuki Bakugo - Pillow Talk

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Today we discuss dark themes, but they get happy.

Katsuki chose to go back to the dorms.

His parents protested, namely his father, but under the veil of not missing any more class, he convinced them to let it go. He promised to keep them more updated, to stop actively ignoring their phone calls, and to not cause any trouble with the school until after someone had come to a decision.

And he promised to bring Eijiro back for a proper dinner.

He knew his mom secretly loved the boy. His dad would come around sooner or later. Probably as soon as someone mentioned botany or horticulture in front of either one of them.

For now, though, Katsuki's primary focus was on Eijiro's shit father, and the promise of the full story. Especially after a brief talk with Deku about the fucker's quirk and what the nerd suspected of his past.

Psyche. Because of course it was. Because nothing could ever be simple.

He knew about the attempt. He knew about... about the abuse. He wasn't too thrilled that Deku now knew as well, but everyone in class was digging up clues to try and piece things together, his self-proclaimed 'squad' included. What he hadn't realized was that Eijiro's perceived aversion to psyche-related quirks like Shinso's went far deeper than the mere stigma Katsuki had thought it was.

All he needed was a long minute alone with his boyfriend so that he could finally learn to understand. He'd still need to work on his temper so that they could avoid more miscommunication like before, but he wouldn't be caught off guard by another outburst. He hoped not, at least.

But Professor Aizawa seemed hellbent on keeping them apart. He assigned Eijiro to back-to-back patrols, shoved Katsuki into study hall for the homework he'd missed, and also, reminded them all that since they'd already taken their term tests, an update for their volunteer hours were due, sending them both back to work.

Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday.

Class. Patrol. Study hall. Detention. Work. More patrol. Dorm Inspections. Frie alarms.

It frustrated Katsuki to no end. Deku even tried to avoid their usual weekly spar, which sent Katsuki into a reckless fit where he reinjured his tender ribs. Only bruised, because Deku had stubbornly held back, but Katsuki had to call off patrolling. He'd already tossed aside the opioid prescription the hospital had sent him home with--they'd underestimated his pain tolerance, so the dosage was too high, and Katsuki didn't want to fuck with that shit more than he had to.

Class, Saturday afternoon, he confronted Aizawa about his games. The dean had answered with a glare and a curt "the school believes that it is in the best interests of everyone involved that the two of you remain separated until the end of the investigation," which Katsuki roughly translated to "we think if we put you in the same room right now, someone would die."

It occurred to Katsuki only later that if Deku told Professor Aizawa about Takeshi Kirishima and their suspicions, then the investigation he had mentioned may be the school trying to look into the new doctor.

Somehow it sucked more that everyone else wanted to talk to Eijiro too. Each of them were still extremely curious and more so concerned about him, and they kept getting in Katsuki's way. Their worry was making them sloppy, no one was paying-the-fuck-attention to anything, and any trace of their common sense seemed to float away whenever one of them opened their mouths. It was only an honest matter of time before he inevitably snapped.

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