Izuku Midoriya-Explanation, NOW

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        'My boyfriend is a virgin.'

        Sitting quietly through class all day was the hardest thing Midoriya had ever done. Especially with his brain feeding him data to be overanalyzed a hundred times a second. The angle of the sun was and the quiet ticking sounds of his watch were apparently a big deal to his brain right now, creeping up the east and slowly counting off the seconds until class was over. His nose burned like the fires of hell for his accident with his scalding cup of tea, the pain and the stain on his tie reminding him that he had something very important he needed to deal with.

        He needed to speak to Kacchan. Now, preferably, but later would also do.

        But Kacchan was avoiding him like the plague, and he thought it was funny too. He hid a smug smirk behind his hand every time Midoriya leaned forward to interrogate him because it was always at that second that Professor Yamada decided to look up from the whiteboard and notice that he was no longer paying attention.

        Maybe this whole thing was a joke and Professor Yamada was in on it. He had seen Todoroki had Kacchan a large amount of money after stopping by the ATM. Midoriya knew Todoroki was mad at him enough for mean jokes; they'd been arguing that morning over what kind of tea was best and it had taken him too long to realize why Todoroki was arguing in favor of cold brews. Even though he'd apologized

        Wait, but he'd apologized after the incident with the tea, so maybe the tea had been a joke. But would Kacchan work with Todoroki? Deku frowned. If it meant him in pain, yes. Yes, he definitely would. Asshole.

        But what if it wasn't a joke? What if Kacchan really had a boyfriend? He would have told him sooner, wouldn't he?! Unless he'd been waiting for Friday? But that made no sense, because if he were waiting for Friday then he would have just waited until training this afternoon. He wouldn't have told him so early--unless he wanted Midoriya to sit and overanalyze this for hours.

        Midoriya groaned, pulling at his hair and staring fruitlessly down at his half-baked notes. Some of them were class-relevant. Most of them weren't. If Kacchan wanted him to fry his brain cells overthinking one little comment, it was working.

        Working on the assumption that Kacchan did have a new boyfriend, Midoriya needed to figure out who. Kirishima was the obvious choice, but could it really be that simple? Maybe Kacchan had gotten some other guy in some half-thought-out jealously scheme. Yeah, Kacchan was emotionally stunted enough to do that--but was he stupid enough to think that it would actually work?

        If it was Kirishima, the redhead was giving him zero hints. The big man-puppy seemed far too oblivious to be keeping a secret.

        Midoriya's eyes narrowed suspiciously. Kirishima always seemed oblivious. Too oblivious.

        He huffed. No, that was preposterous. Kirishima couldn't keep secrets to save his own skin. Or, maybe he could, Midoriya didn't really know. Mina said he was crap at keeping secrets, but he had kept the hero thing a secret for a while--but then again, they all had. Maybe it was one of those weird miscommunication scenarios where Kacchan thought they were dating and Kiri didn't? Was that even a possibility? There was no way Kirishima was that dumb. Denki, maybe, but not Kirishima.

        Was Denki a possibility?

        Midoriya quickly shook his head. No, no he was not. Kacchan could tolerate Denki, but a relationship would be completely out of the question, mostly due to Denki's allergy to common sense.

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